近十年來台灣的許多規模較大型且學研豐富的大學,隨著生育率降低、政府對於教育政策從自籌經費來源的改變及校務基金的逐漸緊縮,各校紛紛提出應變措施以期盼能減緩日後衝擊,皆陸續提出產學營運中心之組織概念,整合產學、智財技轉及創新育成等業務,期盼透過此一變革管理,以規劃統籌相關單位和資源,更能有效地經營管理校方資產,替學校創造更多更廣的收益。 研究個案之母組織原是盼望透過組織整併,擴展校方的產學合作機會、鏈結有效資源通路,除了能贏得優勢更能走向國際,豐富校方的跨領域平台等。本研究將以某國立大學之產學營運中心為研究之個案,並以「8十事業模式」探討為何經過組織整併後,經營策略與績效控制為何卻不見明顯改善,還略有走下坡的趨勢。;In last decade, with fewer children and policy reform in self-finacing and shirnking in campus fund has been closer, lots of large-scale and well-researched universities in taiwan has come up with some methods in order to reduce impacts it might happen. Therefore, the concept of Center for Academia and Industry Colleboration has been brought up, it combines with Industry-Academia, Technology Transfer & Patent Application and Innovation Incubation. Hoping through this change of the concept, it would integrate and coordate relavant units and resources to effectively manage school assets and create more revenues for schools. This study will take the case of a Center for Academia and Industry Colleboration of a national university as a case study, and explore with 8-Cross Business Model to know why management strategy and performace control haven′t get any significantly improvment and even gone slided after organizational consolidation. The parent organization of the research case is expected to expand the school′s industry-university cooperation opportunities and link effective resource channels through organizational consolidation. In addition to winning the advantages, it can go international and enrich the school′s cross-domain platform.