資訊技術服務管理 (Information Technology Service Management, ITSM) 是對 IT 服務管理要求所訂定的一套國際標準,來解決 IT 服務的管理問題並提升 IT 服務品質以滿足用戶和企業營運的需求。尤其近年來企業將其 IT 維護工作交付委外的比例日增,IT 服務提供商應遵循 ITSM 準則,建立一套合適的 IT 服務管理的流程與方法,以確保提供有效的服務品質,並提升客戶滿意度。現行 IT 服務多數採用定型化契約服務模式並成立專案來履行,而專案期間內每一次服務的執行有如微小型專案,亦是利用有限的資源和時間去完成特定目標,可謂一種專案化資訊服務 (Project-oriented IT Service) 的執行模式。然而人力的指派如果不足,則無法達成契約所訂定的服務等級協議要求,並會影響業主的營運及產生違約罰款的風險;如果過多,反而會增加成本、獲利減低甚至虧損,因此決策者在執行服務人力派遣時除了須考量達成服務目標外,控制成本最小化亦是一個重要的課題。本研究旨在對於專案化資訊服務中人力連續派遣的決策問題,依據多重案件選擇和多期指派的需求,建構一個整數規劃模型以協助決策者選擇最小總體成本的最佳方案,以達人員指派最佳化的目標。同時以維護台灣高鐵行控資訊設備的個案資料為例,展示本研究模型的使用與討論研究模型的特色和限制,期望帶給業界履行類似服務時能更精確地規劃人力資源的參考,以獲得最佳經濟效益。;Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) is a general term that describes for designing, delivering, managing and improving the way IT is used within an organization. In recent years many companies have increasingly subcontracted their IT maintenance so that IT service providers should follow the ITSM approach and establish appropriate processes or operations to achieve an effective quality of service and increase their customer satisfaction. IT services are usually implemented by a project team under an adhesion contract. During the contract period, contractors take each case of the delivered service as a very small project (termed as a “Project-oriented IT Service”) as they attempt to achieve a particular aim with limited resources and time. When the manpower is insufficient, the service level agreement may not be fulfilled and subsequently it would increase the risk of penalties. Excessive manpower, by contrast, may increase costs and reduce profits. Thus, managers need to think over not only the service fulfillment but also the cost reduction when they begin the manpower assignment. This study aims to solve the decision-making problem of continuous human resource assignment at each project-oriented service using an integer programming model which will assist managers in selecting the lowest overall cost with limited manpower. Moreover, this study shows an industrial case of a THSRC’s IT maintenance service project and the continuous assignment patterns are discussed by applying the model to help the manager precisely organize their human resources.