面對整個供應鏈中強勢的重要零組件供應商與品牌客戶皆屬國際級大型企業,S公司不論是公司資本、規模都無法相比。在雙方地位不平等情況下,不論是客戶需求預測或核心料件,供應商前置時間的現況都不易改變。因此本個案希望在面對無法增加需求預測天數與縮短前置時間條件下,找出縮短供應鏈週期的改善方案。 S公司的主要問題為:(1)需求預測型態與生產型態不符合,接單式生產週期大於銷售預測天數,所以常常造成交期延誤;(2)產品設計方向與生產都缺乏彈性,無法適應訂單變化,生產線耗費大量工時在換線、重工與重流。 本研究建議S公司導入「型態延遲策略」,提前生產中性半成品進庫存,而後成品可在客戶確定訂單後的最短時間內完成客製功能的組裝。為實現此目標,S公司需要通過模組化設計重建現有產品的 BOM 結構與製程,並應用「時間延遲策略」來完成不同的SKU(最小庫存單位)。S公司因此可以快速回應市場並提升公司競爭力。;The focus of this study, Company S, is faced with major supply chain partners (core component suppliers and brand customers), who are all world-class international enterprises. Company S is relatively small, both in capital and scale, as well as bargaining power. Hence, it is not feasible to extend customer forecast and delivery requirements, and shorten core component lead times. This study looks into the resulting problem of late delivery and attempts to propose an improvement plan for better order fulfilment under these restrictions. There are two major issues causing frequent delivery delays for Company S. First, material procurement lead time plus manufacturing cycle time is longer than customers order forecasts; and second, the original flat BOM structure is not flexible enough to respond to unexpected order adjustments. This study proposes to implement the “form postponement strategy.” It has to first produce neutral semi-finished product and keep into inventory, and final products can then be assembled with customized features in the shortest possible time after customer firm order. To accomplish this, Company S need to rebuild existing product BOM structure and manufacturing process through modulization design, and apply time postponement strategy to finish different SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). As a result, Company S can quickly response to the market, and enhance company′s competitiveness.