隨著資訊科技的日新月異,企業運用資訊系統來協助企業營運和生產製造產品已成為最近的趨勢,目的都是為了能夠增加工廠自動化生產的比例以降低製造成本,因此資訊部門的地位比以前更加重要。但是,當資訊系統應用在生產線上時,系統難免會出現一些意外的錯誤而造成公司的損失,因此資訊部門應隨時保持留神覺知(Mindfulness),也就是密切關注周遭發生的事情,並且對於異常的信號隨時保持警覺性及解決能力(Weick & Sutcliffe, 2001)。 然而,目前組織的留神覺知這個理論構面尚未經過實證,因此在本研究中,我們藉由Fiol & O′Connor (2003)所提出的五個維度來衡量資訊部門留神覺知的程度,並去探討創新型或穩定型企業文化是否會對資訊部門的留神覺知有正向的影響,另外我們也去研究資訊部門的留神覺知是否會對資訊系統的可靠度有正向的影響。 本研究針對全台前1000大的製造業資訊部門主管作為問卷調查的對象,在研究結果中,我們發現只要企業具有一個明確且良好的企業文化,都與資訊部門的留神覺知有正向的影響,此外,資訊部門的留神覺知也對資訊系統的可靠度有正向影響。因此本研究期許在資訊部門越來越受到重視的時代,能夠提供未來的研究者參考並繼續深入探討資訊部門留神覺知的相關議題。;An increasing number of businesses are using information technology (IT) systems to automate production; however, production lines controlled by IT systems are vulnerable to unexpected system error. To reduce the costs associated with system error, IT departments must become “mindful,” i.e., they should pay close attention to what is happening around them and maintain the capacity to act in response to unexpected signals (Weick & Sutcliffe, 2001). Organizational mindfulness is a theoretical construct that has yet to be empirically validated. In this paper, we examine organizational mindfulness in the context of IT departments, based on the five dimensions articulated by Fiol and O’Connor (2003). Moreover, we test the effects of the following two types of corporate culture on the mindfulness of IT departments: innovation-oriented and stability-oriented cultures. We also examine the relationship between the reliability of information systems (ISs) and mindfulness. Analysis of the top-1000 manufacturing firms in Taiwan provided evidence to support the assertion that both types of corporate culture exert positive effects on mindfulness, and that mindfulness is positively correlated with IS reliability. These results serve as valuable reference for researchers investigating mindfulness in an era of high technological development, and for managers seeking to increase IS reliability within their firms.