字彙註解已經被廣泛使用於L2字彙學習,而過去研究也指出L2詞素覺知的知識可以幫助L2學習者解構複雜字彙的組成結構,並提供目標字彙的語法和語義資訊,進而協助學習者理解並記憶字彙。本研究除了探討L2詞素覺知、字彙量與L2字彙學習的關聯,也將L2詞素結構與L1字義融入字彙註解設計中,以探討不同語言的字彙註解和註解呈現型式對L2字彙學習的影響。240名修讀大一英文課程的台灣大學生首先被安排進行L2詞素覺知前測及字彙量測驗,以瞭解受試者的詞素覺知程度與字彙量,接著依據三種字彙註解語言(L1字彙字義、L2字彙詞素結構、L1字彙字義結合L2字彙詞素結構)和二種註解呈現型式隨機分配到7種不同的註解情況,受試者在閱讀完不同註解型式的字彙教學網頁後隨即進行即時字彙後測,並於一週後進行延宕字彙後測,以檢視不同註解型式對L2字彙學習的效果與影響。研究結果顯示詞素覺知程度與字彙量均會對L2字彙學習的表現造成影響;固定呈現型式的字彙註解比浮動呈現型式的註解更有助於L2字彙學習;L1字義結合L2詞素結構的註解語言型式比起單一語言的字彙註解對學習者的L2字彙學習表現更有助益。而在字彙記憶效果上,字彙註解對字彙記憶有顯著的幫助,而對於低詞素覺知的學習者而言,字彙註解可以有效地幫助其L2字彙學習與記憶。本研究亦針對L2字彙教學上提出建議做為教學設計上之參考。;Vocabulary glosses have been broadly implemented in the L2 vocabulary learning. The present study investigated the effect of different gloss types on the L2 vocabulary learning. The 240 university students who enrolled in the Freshman General English courses were examined by their level of L2 morphological awareness and vocabulary size. They were randomly assigned into seven gloss conditions according to the three gloss languages (L1 word definition, L2 morphological structure, and L1 word definition combined with L2 morphological structure) and two gloss presentation types (fixed presentation type and floating presentation type) to investigate the contribution of their morphological awareness and vocabulary size to their L2 vocabulary learning performance. Also, the study examined the effect of different gloss type on the participants’ performance of the immediate vocabulary posttest and delayed vocabulary posttest. The findings of the present study revealed that: 1) level of morphological awareness and vocabulary size contributed to the performance of L2 vocabulary learning, 2) the gloss of fixed presentation type would be more beneficial than the gloss of floating presentation type on the L2 vocabulary learning performance, 3) the gloss of L1 word definition combined with L2 morphological structure would be more helpful than the single type of gloss language, 4) vocabulary gloss contributed to the retention of L2 vocabulary learning, and 5) the effect of variety of gloss types would be descending during the time passing. Our study also found out the vocabulary gloss would significantly benefit the low level of morphological awareness learners on their L2 vocabulary learning and retention. Furthermore, Implication and suggestion of this study on the L2 vocabulary instruction would be discussed.