近期政府推動公共工程中,以統包形式辦理之標的有明顯增加之情形,由此可見統包制度的發展是現今之趨勢。透過了解統包機制與傳統採購上之差異,並比較其優劣。並探討統包所帶來之成效,如縮短整體工期、提升工程品質及減少發包次數等,以上皆能減少傳統採購所帶來之缺失。然而統包執行過程中仍存在許多疑慮並且產生許多爭議。機關在制定招標決策時,須充分考量機關本身之能力及工程專案的性質是否適合採用統包方式辦理標的。故本研究乃針對招標時所需考量之因素彙整,根據專家對實務上之經驗及意見進行分析,建立一初步評估架構,再透過問卷篩選具影響性之評估因素,並加以描述其內容。得到完整評估因素及架構後,再次發行問卷以將評估因素之影響程度量化,藉由量化後所得之相對權重建立「機關執行統包之決策評估模型」。經由案例驗證將決策評估模型劃分為適合採用統包、專案適合統包,機關須專案管理廠商協助及適合以傳統採購辦理標的。機關可藉由專案之特性及組織本身之特性評估採用統包之決策,此模型即可做為機關進行招標決策時評估之參考。;In recent years, the turnkey contracting delivery method has been gaining great attention in promoting public works. This welcoming trend is brought by the fundamental advantages of the turnkey contracting over the traditional low-bid procurement method. The effectiveness of turnkey, such as shortening the overall construction period, improving the quality of projects, and reducing the number of contract packages, can all reduce the shortcomings of the traditional procurement method.
However, there are still potential doubts and uncertainty in implementing turnkey contracting among government agencies. It is understood that, the internal decision-making process still largely favors the traditional method, as a default selection. Whereas the scarce chances of selecting the turnkey method may meet suspicions from many auditing aspects.
It is the belief of this research work that a self-scrutiny decision tool is in need, so that agencies would base their decisions on rational grounds, in particular the capabilities of the organization and the characteristic of the project. This work aims at identifying such decision factors. Based on careful analysis of practical experience and opinions of experts, this work establishes a preliminary assessment framework, and selects the most influential factors through questionnaire surveys. After obtaining and confirming the evaluation factors and their decision structure, a second questionnaire survey was conducted to quantify the impact of the evaluation factors, including their relative weight. The decision-making model introduced by this work has shown great potential in justifying an agency’s decision on whether to implement turnkey contracting for public works.