本計畫為一年期專案,擬探討反貪腐運動對中國上市公司政治聯結與投資行為關係之影響。首先,本計畫將持續進行更完整的文獻蒐集與探討,並建立更嚴謹的假說;接著,將中國上市公司樣本分為國有與非國有兩群,再進一步將之分別分為政治聯結與非政治聯結兩個子群,然後作迴歸分析。本計畫預期將對理論作出貢獻,也將提出一些實務上有用的建議。 ;This is a one-year project, examining the moderating effect of anti-corruption campaign on the relation between political connections and investment behavior of Chinese listed firms. More careful and complete literature review will be done and more solid hypotheses will be further developed. Then, overall sample will be divided into SOEs and non-SOEs groups, and each group will be further separated into politically connected and non-politically connected subgroups, respectively. Finally regression analysis will be conducted and conclusions will be drawn. This study is expected to make several theoretical and practical contributions.