本研究分析「安全駕駛教育講習」對新手機車騎士機車肇事與死亡率的影響。台灣的交通肇事率明顯高於其他先進國家,年輕機車騎士涉入交通事故的比例偏高,在103年全年30萬件的交通事故中,機車肇事的比率即佔52%,在機車的行車事故的死亡人數中,即有一半為30歲以下的年輕人。機車為年輕人主要的交通工具,年輕人因車禍事故的死傷所造成社會勞動力的損失可能更甚於其它年齡族群,因此加強機車騎士的風險意識與安全駕駛以降低交通事故的死傷,深具政策意義。 交通部公路總局自民國102年4月1日起,在全台9個交通監理所試辦「初考領機車駕駛執照安全駕駛教育講習」,通過筆試與路考的新手機車駕駛者必須強制參加90分鐘的道路交通安全教育課程,方能領取機車駕照;102年9月1日起,此試辦計畫擴展至18個監理所;103年6月1日起,全台共37個監理所同步試辦,103年11月1日起正式修法通過,參加「安全駕駛教育講習」為初考領機車駕駛執照的必要條件。由於將近90%的初領機車駕照者為20歲及以下的年輕人,針對新手機車駕駛的安全駕駛教育講習是否發揮效益,值得進一步探討。本研究擬藉由向交通部提出資料申請,以混碼身份證串聯100-105年在不同監理所初領機車駕照之35歲以下年輕人的駕藉資料及交通事故調查報告的資料,進一步利用道路安全講習的試辦計畫在不同時間點實行,分析有參加安全講習和沒有參加安全講習者,其領照後1-3年内的車禍肇事率的差異;另以差異中的差異(difference-in-difference)分析方法,以18-20歲的新手駕駛為受政策影響的處置組,以21-23歲和24-26歲較年長的駕駛為較不受新制影響的控制組,實證分析“安全駕駛教育講習”是否藉由增加機車騎士之風險意識、採用防禦性駕駛行為,降低交通肇事率與死傷率。同時本研究亦探討專為新手機車騎士而設計之教育講習,是否也有外溢效果,影響其它車種的交通事故率。研究結果將提供製定交通安全政策的參考。 ;Motor vehicle crashes cause millions of casualties worldwide each year. It becomes a highly important public health issue for the reasons that not only the people killed and seriously injured in the traffic accidents will significantly affect the quality of life of the citizens, but also the number of traffic accident victims who are either died or seriously injured may dominate the number of patients suffered from some serious diseases. Taiwan is one of the few developed countries that highly rely on motorcycles as a major transportation tool. However, the high incidence of motorcycle-related traffic crashes significantly threatens the safety of young motorcyclists on the road. This research project aims to evaluate whether or not a change in the incidence of motorcycle-related traffic crashes and fatalities followed by the implementation of a mandating safe driving education workshop in 2013 that designed for the novice motorcyclists before they receive the motorcycle license. The safe driving education workshop is expected to increase the novice motorcyclists’ risk perception which may result in a change of driving behaviors and ultimately the safe driving outcome. Therefore, we investigate whether the novice motorcyclists who expose to the safe driving education workshop would have a lower likelihood to involve in the traffic crash than those who don’t . Besides, we also examine whether the education workshop has a prolonged effect and a spillover effect as well in the sense that non-motorcycle traffic accidents decrease as more novice motorcyclists participate the mandating safe driving education workshop. Our research results will provide policy implication for the road safety.