摘要: | 在當今動態的商業環境中,軟體專案團隊需要靈活地調整軟體流程,以配合不斷變化的開發環境與需求。就軟體發展的過程而言,組織通常會建立標準流程並讓專案團隊加以運用與調整以適應個別專案之獨特情境,此即所謂的『軟體流程調適(Software process tailoring,簡為SPT)』。SPT是一項知識和學習密集的活動,這是由於軟體開發的各項工作需要各種專業的團隊成員之分工與合作、且這些工作都因專案的獨特性或變動而需要成員集思廣益、相互分享各自的專業與經驗來因應與共同調整出更適切的流程。 由於SPT影響整個專案的實施甚鉅,故有必要加以探究。然而,現有的文獻缺乏探討如何有效提升調適績效的機制與實證。為此,本研究在團隊與知識導向之觀點下,運用動態能力理論(Dynamic capabilities theory)與交融式記憶系統(Transactive memory system,TMS)概念來建立一個理論模型,以探討團隊知識因素如何影響SPT之績效。在模型中,我們提出了團隊在動態能力中的吸收能力(Absorptive capacity,AC)和它的前置因素─即TMS,作為團隊知識之促進要素,並進一步探討TMS如何強化吸收能力、進而提升調適績效的機制。此外透過這樣的關聯,我們發現TMS、AC和SPT之間似形成一條團隊的知識路徑,並暫將之命名為團隊動態學習過程。再則,許多研究指出氛圍對於團隊能否有效地運作和發揮有非常重要的影響。因此在模型中,我們加入團隊氛圍這一項環境因素,並進一步以Team climate inventory(暫譯為團隊氛圍組成)為主,來探討其對於團隊動態學習過程可能之調節作用。 為了實證上述的觀點與理論模型,本研究將採用問卷研究法、並以偏最小平方法(Partial least square)來進行模型的驗證、分析和討論。本計畫預計一年來完成各項的研究工作─包含文獻持續探討、模型修正、問卷研究與設計、樣本收集與追蹤、實證分析以及論文撰寫等。本研究成果預計可提供軟體企業在進行軟體開發與SPT時參考。就學術貢獻來說,本研究除了提出一個團隊動態學習的創新過程,也提供研究者對於團隊知識促進因素與其動態學習過程的機制如何提升調適績效等應用知識。 ;In today's turbulent business environments, software development project teams need to continuously and flexibly adjust and modify their development processes to meet evolving project goals and business demands. Because defining the processes from scratch is costly, software teams often reuse existing processes and standards and modify them to accommodate the ongoing project's unique situation, and such is called software process tailoring (SPT). SPT is a knowledge- and learning-intensive activity for the development of a project to adaptively meet its particular and dynamic characteristics. Because SPT critically influences how a software project is carried out, its performance should be investigated. However, extant literature lacks empirical evidence in knowing further how the underlying mechanisms of knowledge-related enablers contribute to the performance of SPT. To fill this gap, the proposed research bases on the dynamic capabilities theory and innovatively applies the concept of transactive memory systems to establish a theoretical model that explores the team-based knowledge enablers and how them operate and influence on the SPT performance. In this attempt, we discover the team’s absorptive capacity (AC)-- a knowledge-based dynamic capability of team learning and its antecedent, i.e. transactive memory system (TMS) as the team knowledge enablers; and then examine how TMS contributes to AC leading to higher performance of SPT. Furthermore, such a linkage among TMS, AC and SPT performance forms a knowledge path and is termed by this research as the team's dynamic learning process in SPT context. Moreover, team climate is a contextual environment factor that also determines whether a software team effectively operate and function in working practices. In this regard, in the proposed model, we seek to adopt team climate, especially the team climate inventory (TCI), i.e. vision, participation safety, task orientation and support for innovation, to further explore and investigate respectively their moderating effects on the aforementioned team's dynamic learning process. To empirically examine the proposed model draft, this research will use survey methodology with partial least square (PLS) techniques to testify the model and then analyze and discuss the results and findings. The proposed work is expected to provide guidance for software firms in conducting SPT, as well as to contribute to future academic research in comprehensively understanding the mechanisms of the identified team-based knowledge enablers and the associated group learning process that lead to higher performance of SPT. |