顏色對於人們的生理與情感反應的影響已累積了大量的研究,而近年來顏色對於人們認知能力 的影響受到眾多研究者的重視與深入檢視,但仍有其研究缺口。首先,由於網路購物者通常有較高 的價格敏感度,顏色因其對於認知焦點的影響,是否影響價格知覺?其次,顏色為一多維度的概念, 而過去研究多只探討色相一個維度,顏色的明度是否也會影響消費者知覺?最後,色相與明度對於 價格知覺影響的心理途徑究竟為何?本計畫第一年將針對上述缺口提出解答。第二年的計畫,則探 討網路購物業者經常採用的推薦功能設計方式與顏色間的搭配進行研究。由於推薦機制主要依據替 代品或互補品的推薦設計,過去研究亦指出消費者在這兩種擺設型態的商店中採用不同的評估方 式,因此本計畫預期顏色的設計亦將影響消費者面對這兩種推薦系統的知覺與資訊處理。由於網路 零售商可以迅速且低成本的方式調整顏色的設計,預期兩年的研究結果應可以補足研究缺口,並提 供管理者在服務環境設計時更清楚的參考方向。 ;Color is an important atmospheric cues that may influence individuals’ physical and emotional reactions. Recent studies have focused on the influence of colors on individuals’ cognitions. Some questions still remain. First, little is known about the impact of color on price perception. Second, compared to the studies of hue (e.g., Babin et al. 2003; Bagchi and Cheema 2013), brightness of colors has received less attention. Third, as the price impacts perceived value via two opposite forces, price-quality and price-sacrifice associations, how background hues and brightness exert their influence on these two forces might be an important issue. Specifically, in the first year, this study will examine how the interactions of the background color (hue and brightness) and the price level influence online patronage intention via quality, sacrifice and value perceptions. In the second year, this study intends to investigate the influence of color on consumers’ perceptions in an online automated recommendation system. Because the recommended products may exhibit complementary or substitution effects, how can online retailers design matching strategies to enhance these effects is an important research gap. Based on the influence of colors on consumers’ cognition and information processing, the colors of the background may influence the way how consumers interpret the recommended products. Therefore, this study intends to examine the effects of color exerts on recommendation systems that promote complementary or substitute products.