本計畫旨在探討全球各國面對 AI 科技浪潮的襲捲之下,如何整合不同背景的研究人才從經濟、機會的不均等、產業結構與供應鏈、人力資源、組織行為、制度法規以及社會安全等不同的角度,各國所遭受的衝擊與因應之道,借鏡不同的經驗,並構思如何將這些深度分析、比較、過濾出適合本國的可能有出路的方案,並適時教育國民相關的觀點與發現。本計畫同時採用量化與質化的訪談研究模式,根據不同學理的討論與驗政,希望能釐清 AI 等創新科技的對整體經濟與社會的效果,並融入管理決策中。 ;The goal of this integrated project is to examine the impacts from the prevailing of the state-of-the-art AI technology on firm and organizational behavior, economic growth and development, social inequality and security, industrial structure and supply chain, etc. By survey the global researches and learn the experience across countries may shed new lights toward future tentative solutions or remedies for our domestic citizens, firms and policy makers for future planning.