一個企業想要永續經營和不斷茁壯成長,掌舵者就很重要,必須有詳細擘劃公司經營藍圖。制訂公司經營方向並且善用有限的資源,以發揮最大綜效,進而達到公司既定的利潤與成長目標。 經營者在企業經營過程中,總會面臨到高、低起伏的營運現象與轉折發生。當企業發展至某個瓶頸無法持續成長或所面臨的市場環境潮流趨勢轉變時,導致整體營運狀況下滑。為了突破瓶頸迎合此轉變,以讓企業持續成長,經營者必須改變經營型態、經營思維或經營架構來因應,以讓經營績效能持續成長。 本研究主要在探討企業的轉型策略。試圖瞭解,其轉型原因、方向及轉型狀況。透過單一個案對象研究分析,針對企業競爭優勢、轉型策略及創新經營模式等相關文獻與書籍,再用商業模式九宮格來分析其轉型成功因素,並與產業界相關專家進行訪談,希望透過分析結果,提供其他同業作為參考。 ;If a company wants to continue to operate and grow stronger, the helm is very important. It is necessary to have a detailed plan for the company′s business, formulate the company′s business direction and make good use of limited resources to maximize synergies and achieve the company′s profit and growth goals.
In the course of business operations, management will always face ups and downs, more importantly, turning points in the operation. The leader should deal with the problem of the deteriorating company status when corporate encounter impenetrable wall and cannot break through or adapt to the changing trend of the market. In order to cope with the situation and sustain the company, a change in management style, business thinking and operation framework should be considered to plan for a breakthrough and make the business performance continue growing.
This research is focused to explore the transformation strategy of the enterprise, understanding the reasons, direction and forms of the transformation. Through a single case study and analysis, the research analyzes the success factors of the transformations to the company′s competitive advantage, change in business strategy and innovation in their business model. Opinions from relevant experts of the field are considered as reference point. The ultimate goal of this research is to give businesses running in relevant fields a lighthouse.