在2017年12月12日立法院將公民投票法提案門檻大幅度下修之下,社會各界對於直接民主之參與實為相當熱絡,截至2018年6月8日止,即有37件全國性公民投票提案送至中央選舉委員會。然而,在此波直接民主浪潮之下亦有暗潮產生,在37件全國性公民投票提案當中,即有6件提案產生了高度違憲之疑義,而經由中央選舉委員會決議有召開聽證之必要。由於現行公民投票法並未對於違憲之提案應否審核、如何審核及審核之效果為何有所規範,似未能維護憲政秩序之完整性以及保障基本人權免於受到公民投票制度之侵害。 為能解決現行公民投票法之問題,本文首先從公民投票之特殊性質出發,探究公民投票之運作下,是否將會對人民基本權利受有侵害,而有對於提案內容進行審核之必要性存在。再者,本文將探討現行公民投票法中關於提案審核之內涵為何,包含中央選舉委員會做為嶄新之主管機關下,是否有特殊之義務應予踐行?以及現行公民投票法中課予中央選舉委員會對於提案審核之事項究係為何?其後,本文將探討以憲法作為公民投票審核標準之立論、內涵與效果,試圖構築一套對於提案內容進行是否合於憲法之審核流程,最後將以前開6件有違憲疑義之公民投票提案為例,實際操作以憲法作為公民投票審核標準一節,並對於現行中央選舉委員會之見解與作法予以評析。 ;Since the Legislative Yuan greatly revised the threshold of referendum proposal on December 12, 2017, the society was quite enthusiastic with the participation of direct democracy. Until June 8, 2018, the Central Election Commission has received 37 national referendums proposals, but 6 of them was seemed to violate the Constitutional Law, and the Central Election Commission determined to hold a public hearing to clarify related disputes. Because the recent Referendum Act does not prescribe how to deal with the proposal which violates the Constitutional Law, in order to solve the problem, the author following will explain why there is necessary to examine the proposal. Next, the author will investigate how the Referendum Act prescribes about examining the proposal, especially about whether the new competent authority, the Central Election Commission, has special duty must obey. Furthermore, the author will explain the theory, content and effect about regarding the Constitutional Law as the examination, trying to establish a process about the examination. At last, the author will analyze and examine 6 proposals which are seemed to violate the Constitutional Law, and discussing whether the Central Election Commission’s practices were appropriate.