關鍵詞: 柔佛州古來、惠州、客家語、語音演變、語音特點、詞彙比較 ;Abstract Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country. When Chinese people migrate from their places of origin to foreign countries,they experience language changes in the multi-ethnic group. This thesis explores that as Chinese people settle in the Malaysia,whether they continue to retain the language of their hometown,or integrate into the local language. Furthermore,the paper explores that for those migrants that live in multi-ethnic and multi-lingual regions long term,whether communication problems will hinder social-economic integration. Local Chinese in Malaysia have a variety of accents in addition to Mandarin,for example:Huizhou,Hawawa,Fengshun,Chaozhou,Fujian,Hainan,Malay and soon. This article is based on the Chinese people living in Johor,Malaysia. The Huizhou Hakka dialect is the object of study,from the perspective of phonology to explore the structure of language change,as well as the influence of the culture of the Malay language to the dialact of Malay. The emergence of Hakka dialect as a special mixed dialect language is another focus in the article. This thesis is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction,which explains the motivation and purpose of this study,the methodology and steps of the study,it reviews and discusses the relevant literature,it investigates the historical evolution of dialect points,as well as the geographical location,and the profile of pronunciation people. The second chapter is the description of the speech system,it organizes topics according to the sound,rhyme,tone system and continuous reading modulation,and literary and colloquial reading. The third chapter is the comparison between contemporary Hakka dialect and medieval sound,it observes the law and direction of the evolution of its medieval rhyme. The fourth chapter summarizes and collates Johor phonetic features of Hakka dialect,following the rhyme characteristics and comparison of the second and third chapter,and highlights the more characteristic phonetic characteristics. The fifth chapter compares Huizhou Hakka vocabulary and other Hakka vocabulary for comparative analysis. It discovers in different environmental living conditions,how individual special lexical feature words evolved. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this paper,through the comparison between antiquity times and contemorary times, and sum up the phonetic and lexical use of Hakka dialect special characteristics.
Keywords: Johor Ancient,Huizhou,Hakka language,phonetic evolution,phonetic features,vocabulary comparison