停工解約議題是近年來政府推動公共建設相當關注的議題之一,尤其是在政府擬訂了整體發展計畫,並挹注了大量資金,若因為工程的延誤,而造成後續計畫無法執行,結果將對經濟發展影響甚鉅。本研究將政府所執行過的工程計畫進度資料進行分析,嘗試導入紮根理論的分析,歸納不同類型的工程,在不同階段發生進度延誤的因素,並藉由紮根理論重新找出有關於停工解約的關鍵因素。經由研究結果顯示,我國公共工程停工解約發生原因在建築工程為招標作業,主因為主辦機關的發包策略變更;在鐵路工程的規劃設計,則是因計畫不斷變更延誤設計時程;在捷運系統工程的施工作業項目,為廠商出工人數不足所導致。本研究已將公共工程履約過程各種停工解約因子加以研擬及彙整,以供工程主辦機關參考,使主辦機關對施工廠商延誤履約之風險及因應對策,提供更佳的判斷作為參考。;The issues of contract suspension and termination for large and important construction projects have received a lot of attention from the government in recent years. When the government has developed a complete development plan and invests massive capital for large and important construction projects, if projects are delayed and cannot be carried out, this situation leads to a significant economic damage. This research utilizes the Grounded Theory to analyze the government’s construction plans and their progress information to identify the key causes of contract suspension and termination by project types and phases. Research outcomes indicate that changes on tendering strategy in the tendering phase by the client is the most critical cause for building projects; changes from clients in the planning and design phases is the most critical cause for railroad projects; insufficient labors in the construction phase is the most critical cause for MRT projects. This study has identified key causes of contract suspension and termination, those are valuable to the government in facilitating responses for contract suspension and termination.