散熱風扇產業在NB/PC衰退後面臨轉型壓力,市場萎縮下各家廠商毛利率受到壓縮,散熱風扇業者不得不轉型尋找其他出路,顯然隨著市場需求的轉變,企業在經營上不能一直在同一個領域打價格戰。 本研究以我國散熱風扇個案廠商D公司為研究對象,運用波特五力分析、SWOT分析,深入探討我國散熱風扇市場。同時以個案分析的方式,經由瞭解D公司其發展歷程、經營績效及獲利能力,藉此歸納出散熱風扇市場變遷及競爭策略。 最後探討出散熱風扇產業市場的未來可能發展趨勢,並針對產業轉型之必要性,個案公司也試圖切入其他市場來進行因應,讓其保持競爭力,最後本研究也提出相關實務建議。;After the decline of NB/PC industry, the cooling fan industry was facing transformational pressure. Under the shrinking market, the gross profit margin of various manufacturers was compressed. The cooling fan industry has to transform to find other ways. Obviously, with the change of market demand, the company cannot always use low price strategy. This research takes the cooling fan manufacturer D company as the research object, and uses Porter′s five-force analysis and SWOT analysis to deeply explore the various aspects of the cooling fan industry. Based on the case analysis method, we can summarize the development trend and competition strategy of the cooling fan industry by understanding the development process, operating performance and profitability of Company D. Finally, the future development trend of the cooling fan industry was discussed. In response to the necessity of industrial transformation, the case companies also try to cut into other markets to make them competitive, and finally put forward practical suggestions.