台灣工業用紙(含裱面紙板(Linerboard Paper)及瓦楞芯紙(Corrugating Medium Paper))發展歷史,與台灣經濟發展存在著密不可分的關係。而造紙產業主要的原料為舊瓦楞廢紙。除台灣回收的台灣舊瓦楞廢紙(Taiwan Old Corrugated Container;TOCC)外還要依賴進口舊瓦楞廢紙來補足國內回收量的不足,而回收量的多寡又與天氣、假期、運輸有著直接關係。 而進口舊瓦楞廢紙又依來源可分美國舊瓦楞廢紙(American Old Corrugated Container;AOCC)、日本舊瓦楞廢紙(Japan Old Corrugated Container;JOCC)、歐洲舊瓦楞廢紙(European Old Corrugated Container;EOCC)等主要進口來源。各國交期不一、原料的特性也不一,然採購價格時時刻刻皆在變化的情況下如何分享資訊及透過供應鏈協同方式提供生產需求及最佳化採購成本,將「物盡其用、貨暢其流」的科學化管理來節省各項成本、增加企業競爭力、提升獲利能力避免長鞭效應(Bullwhip effect)的擴大為本研究的主要考量。 本文研究的主要目的在探討個案公司因長鞭效應(Bullwhip Effect)後如何導入新的供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management)模式及以資訊共享(Information Sharing)的協同服務(Collaborative Service)方式,將每天的採購進度、採購數量、市場行情變化、進口到貨資訊及提供貨櫃逾期警訊等資訊供生產製造部門、物流運輸部門及採購部門的主管做為決策判斷依據。本研究報告中未特別說明舊瓦楞廢紙皆含概TOCC、AOCC、EOCC、JOCC等。;The development history of Taiwan′s industrial paper (including Linerboard Paper and Corrugating Medium Paper) is inextricably linked to Taiwan′s economic development. The main raw material for the paper industry is OCC abbreviation of old corrugated container. In addition to the TOCC recycled from Taiwan, it also relies on the imported OCC to make up for the shortage of domestic recycling, and the amount of recycling is directly related to weather, holidays and transportation. The sources of imported OCC can be divided into American Old Corrugated Container (AOCC), Japan Old Corrugated Container (JOCC), European Old Corrugated Container ( EOCC) etc. Different countries have different delivery times、 different characteristics of raw materials and procurement prices. Through shared information of supply chain coordination to optimize procurement and manufacture costs, enhanced the competitiveness of enterprises and increased profitability. How to avoid the Bullwhip effect is the main consideration of this study. The main purpose of this paper is to explore how the case company introduces a new Supply Chain Management model and a Collaborative Service with sharing the information after the Bullwhip effect. The daily procurement schedule, purchase quantity, market conditions, import arrival information and container overdue information are provided to the directors of the manufacturing, logistics and procurement departments as the basis for decision-making. This research report does not specify that the OCC contains TOCC, AOCC, EOCC, JOCC, etc.