全球各國的國家政府為了讓人民有更好的生活,追求穩定成長的經濟發展是國家領導的不變目標,在各國GDP成長幅度不同的情況下,討論影響GDP的因素, 例如經商環境、外資投入設置企業、政府投資等。國家的政策法規要如何因應時事、及創業模式改變,刺激國內的創業投資、吸引國外資金的投資,與經濟成長環環相扣。;In order to make people have a better life, that is the goal for every countries government. In the case of different GDP growth rates, discuss the factors affecting GDP, such as the business environment, foreign investment, set up companies, government investment, etc. How the country′s policies and regulations should respond to current events and changes in entrepreneurial models, stimulate domestic venture capital investment, and attract foreign capital investment, which is closely linked to economic growth.