大陸面板廠近十年來開始進入顯示器面板市場,近五年來更是大舉投資,積極擴建 大尺寸面板生產線,在TFT-LCD 顯示面板技術已經發展約四十年的情況下,中國大陸面 板廠將採取如何的經營策略,來面對目前競爭激烈的顯示器面板市場。另一方面,TFTLCD 顯示面板是具有高度技術密集特性的產業,專利技術風險高築,中國大陸面板廠在 相對落後進入此產業的情況下,專利在面板市場的激烈競爭中,是否扮演關鍵的角色。 本文利用IHS MARKIT 著名經濟預測及商業諮詢機構提供各家面板廠出貨之相關統 計數據、INCOPAT 專利數據庫檢索分析平臺以及中國國家知識產權局之面板廠專利相關 統計數據,透過數據交叉分析以及實務案例佐證的方式,來探討大陸、台灣以及韓國面 板廠專利數量的消長、專利訴訟案件以及各家面板廠市佔率變化之相關性研究。;China display companies have entered the TFT-LCD market in the recent ten years. However, over the past five years, several next generation manufacturing factories, especially for the ultra large size panel are invested aggressively in China. In the condition that TFT-LCD display technology has been developed over forty years, China display companies will adopt what business strategy to face such a competitive display market. On the other hand, TFT-LCD is a highly technology-concentration and patent risky industry, whether patent right plays an important role in the market competition, especially for the china panel makers which are the late players in the TFT-LCD industry. The thesis applies the display shipment data from IHS MARKIT which is a famous economic forecasting and business consulting agency and explores the patent statistic data from China National Intellectual Property Administration and INCOPAT which is a patent database search and analysis platform. Utilizing the cross-analysis method among the market shipment data, the practical sue cases study, and the patent statistics, we would like to conclude the relationship between the market share and the effect of the patent right.