台灣保險風氣盛行,但是保險科技(InsurTech)近年來才隨著大數據與FinTech興起,尚未有研究保險業導入大數據資料倉儲之關鍵成功因素。 本研究探討商業智慧、大數據與FinTech之關鍵成功因素之文獻,統整為企業文化、實施策略、資訊作業與夥伴重視度等共四個構面,包括企業高層支持、明確的目標與里程碑、資訊整合與正確性、重視終端使用者體驗、專家與關鍵使用者共同參與、可支持企業目標幫助決策等,共六個關鍵成功因素。 本研究透過分享導入SAP HANA的過程,遇到的問題,以及專家訪談,進行探討保險業導入大數據資料倉儲系統之成功關鍵因素,並依分析結果,提出六個關鍵成功因素,為企業高階支持、依關鍵商品規劃明確的目標與里程碑、充分模擬上線情境、專家與關鍵使用者共同參與、快速且正確的資訊整合,以及可支持企業目標幫助決策等。供欲導入系統之企業,內部評估專案成功的可行性,明確系統建置的優先順序,並降低系統的風險。 ;Taiwan′s insurance is prevalent, but InsurTech has only recently popular with big data and FinTech, and has not yet studied the key success factors of the insurance industry′s implementation of big data warehousing. This study is a case analysis of insurance industry imports big data data warehousing. The results show that six critical success factors are high-level corporate support, clear goals and milestones, experts and users participate, support business goals to help make decisions, fast and correct information integration, fully simulate the online situation. For insurance industry that want to implement big data warehousing to estimate the feasibility and reduce the risks.