本文使用「華人家庭動態資料庫」2016年資料,研究台灣家庭中是否存在「手足結構」效果。使用OLS分析前兩胎教育年數,顯示台灣家庭前兩胎均為女性的組合對前兩胎教育年數有正向影響,且分離出「手足結構」與「女性特質」效果,顯示女性手足確實正向影響第一胎的教育年數。接著,檢視不同子女世代,顯示在年輕世代的「女女」組合有正向影響,但無法分離「手足結構」與「女性特質」效果。本文是少數觀察前兩胎的教育年數女中性均高於男性的研究,並顯示女性手足確實有外溢效果。;I use “Panel Study of Family Dynamics” and observe years of schooling of daughters are higher than years of schooling of sons for the first two children. To test whether there is sibling structure which influences children′s educational outcomes in Taiwanese households, I use OLS and find two daughters for the first two children have a positive effect on years of schooling of the first two children. The effect can separate into “female characteristics” effect and “sibling structure” effect, and show female siblings have a positive effect on years of schooling of first child. I proceed to examine and analyze different generations. A positive effect of two daughters for the first two children is observed only during the young generations. This paper is few papers to study the first two children’s years of schooling and find the “female siblings” spillover effect in Taiwan.