摘要: | 隨著資訊科技與社群媒體的進步,如:去中心化的5G、區塊鏈等技術,正不斷地改變民眾的生活習慣,目的是在創造更加便利與即時的資訊世界。而智能手機在此便扮演了協助者的角色,民眾可以更輕鬆地藉由手機媒介悠遊網路世界,如:網路購物、社群網站等。然而近幾年出現眾多的個資外洩案,讓民眾開始意識到我們不僅在網路上享受便利的服務,同時也留下許多的「資訊足跡」,而這些足跡很有可能受到非法的收集與濫用,故民眾的隱私顧慮慢慢地提升了。 本研究以計畫行為理論為基礎,並試圖從用戶的角度,去探討現今用戶在社群媒體上選擇揭露自我資訊的影響因素,以使用任何能讓他人得知或追蹤個人位置的定位功能為情境,如:Facebook打卡、Instagram地點標注等。研究結果指出「感知價值」與「行為規範」確實對「使用意圖」有直接正向影響;「隱私顧慮」則對「使用意圖」有負向影響;而「自戀人格」對「隱私顧慮」與「使用意圖」有調節作用。由以上結果發現,社群媒體用戶所感知到的娛樂與社交價值,以及重要關係人的認同與否與實際行為的影響越高,確實會讓用戶越想去使用定位功能。且當用戶越擔心個人隱私會受到非法使用時,用戶就越不願意去使用定位功能。然而,受到自戀人格的調節,有較高程度自戀人格的用戶會有較高的使用意圖。最後,本研究建議企業可以積極地對低自戀程度的使用者做隱私安全措施,以提高他們的使用意願。 ;With the advance of Information technology and Social media, technologies such as decentralized 5G, block-chain, among others, have been constantly changing our lifestyles, creating a more convenient and instant information world. Smartphones play an important role of helping people to easily surf online, achieving tasks like online shopping, online socializing and so on. However, there are recently many cases of personal private information intrusions. People started to realize that while they are taking advantage of the convenience brought by technologies, there are many privacy risk at the same time. The exposed information may be illegally exploited by hackers. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study attempts to look into the factors affecting usage of location-based services in social media, such us check-in in Facebook or tag location in Instagram. Results show that “perceived value” and “behavior norm” have positive effects on “user intention.” Also, “Privacy concern” negatively affects “user intention.” In the meantime, “narcissism” moderates the effect of “privacy concern” on “user intention.” This result shows that the higher the perceived hedonic and utilitarian values, and the greater impact of friends and family’s thought and actual behavior, users are more likely to use location-based services in social media. Also, users are less likely to use it, when they have more concern about their privacy being illegally used. However, the moderating effect of narcissism is such that user with higher level of narcissism are having higher intention to use it. Finally, this study suggests that enterprises should focus on reducing users’ privacy concern, who have low level of narcissism, by building some privacy policy, in order to raise their intention of using location-based services in social media. |