電子商務的發展尤其是線上購物的爆發式增長改變了人們的消費思維和行為,消費者在擁有眾多可選擇品牌和產品的同時,也很容易形成的多種情感並存狀態。以往關於產品態度的研究大多集中在一元,即喜歡與不喜歡此消彼長,導致很難去解釋消费者多種情感並存狀態,因此從二元態度的角度(即積極態度與消極態度、信任與不信任等可以同存)去理解消費者,可以更加接近真實世界,準確地預測和洞察消費者的行為。 另外,通過觀察發現兩岸消費者在線上購物的行為方式以及對線上購物評論的感知可能有一定差別。因此本研究議題為在二元產品態度下,不信任態度影響消費者線上購物之行為意圖,並對台灣地區和大陸地區的消費者進行比較性研究。 本研究採用準實驗的設計,分別從台灣地區和大陸地區回收115份與150份有效問卷,結果發現對產品的積極態度和消極態度會顯著影響對產品的不信任態度;對產品的不信任態度會顯著影響購買意圖。除此之外,通過比較台灣和大陸的模型可以發現,台灣地區消費者對產品的不信任態度比大陸地區消費者高;大陸地區消費者則在消極態度對不信任的正向影響比台灣地區的消費者大。 ;The rapid growth of E-Commerce has changed the ways consumers think about consumption, and the way they behaves. Consumers have many choices of brands and products, and usually have multiple complicated emotions. Previous studies have mostly focus on one-dimensional attitudes towards products (a continuous positive through negative scale). As such, it is difficult to explain the multiple states of consumer attitudes. There are studies on behavior that propose dual attitudes (independent positive and negative attitudes) such as positive attitude and negative attitude, trust and distrust, etc. However, these have not been adopted in consumer related studies. A dual attitude consumer behavior study may be closer to the real world and more accurately predict the behavior of consumers. Our preliminary study revealed that consumers in Taiwan and mainland China have different responses to online word-of-mouth and in turn to shopping behaviors. Therefore, this research, while attempts to look into the effects of distrust on consumers′ intentions of online shopping from a dual attitude perspective, also tries to compares Cross-Strait differences between Taiwan and mainland China. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, collected 115 and 150 valid respondents from Taiwan mainland China respectively. Results show that positive attitudes and negative attitudes towards products concurrently affect product distrust; and distrust affects purchase intent. In addition, consumers from Taiwan have higher distrust on products than the mainland China counterparts, but their positive impact on distrust is lower than consumers from mainland China.