銀行業務是以數字、資料與金流為主,所以業務運作倚靠種類眾多的資訊系統配合,並常會遇到系統不敷使用的情況,此時常見四種處理方式,如以土法煉鋼沒效率的方式解決、忽視問題出事再說等不好的方式,以及在尚待改善的溝通管道向總行請求協助、需提升運用與管理的行員 EUC 解決問題等方式,如何提升資訊運用來讓業務良好運作,是為一大課題。 本研究提出一解決方案,透過程式語言教育訓練規劃、編寫學習與應用的教材、建置內部網路論壇、建立提升誘因的獎懲制度等,並運用 PBL 、雛型法等方式,完整規劃的方案來達到在能力、方式、管道、制度上良好的配合與循環,藉此培養行員能力、增進 EUC 運用與管理、溝通管道與方式改善等,達成提升資訊運用,及讓業務更加良好運作的目的。 ;The banking business is based on digital, data and payment. Therefore, the business operation relies on many IT systems, and the system are not enough for user usually. There are solutions, such as using inefficient way, ignoring the problem, asking the assistance in poor communication pipeline from the head office, improving the use and management of the staff EUC to solve the problem. Is a topic to improve the use of IT and make it work well. Training and programming of program language, compiting learning materials, seting internal forums, establish reward and punishment systems to enhance incentives, using PBL and Prototyping to complete the plan. To achieve a good coordination and circulation in terms of capabilitie, method, pipeline and system, in order to cultivate the ability of the staff, enhance the use and management of the EUC, improving the communication pipeline and methods, and achieve the purpose of improving the use of IT applications and making the business more operational.