摘要: | 電子組裝業在客制化環境下,為滿足客戶多樣化需求因應市場快速變動,多樣少量短交期已逐漸成為常態。 A公司代工料成本結構中,材料成本佔產品成本達七成,採購角色至關緊要,故本論文欲找出採購作業流程改善之可行方案。 A公司採購作業面對多樣少量短交期挑戰,出現採購成本居高不下、報價不及時、單據作業量增加等現象,衝擊公司獲利。歸納問題有(1)多樣少量採購,造成採購成本高影響利潤(2)詢價時間長,造成報價不及時影響接單(3)單據作業繁雜,影響採購作業效率及風險。 本論文建議 A公司採購作業流程改善,將材料分類管理並制定採購策略發揮集團優勢。輔以資訊系統,將詢價流程電子化,自動化採購下單及自動化跟催作業,並考量風險管控。改善效益除每年採購可降低成本約 NT$250 萬,更可減少因報價所造成的訂單損失,使客戶滿意創造利潤。;As market matures, customer requirements diverge, and mass customization becomes an industrial norm. Facing this environmental trend, the electronic assembly industry is gradually shifting into small-volume large-variety production with ever shortening order delivery time. Company A is one of the electronic manufacturing services (EMS) companies that are faced with these challenges. For Company A, material accounts for 70% of its total production costs. As a result, the procurement operation has become a vital issue for profitability. This study attempts to analyze the procurement processes, and propose an improvement plan. The shift to high-mix, low-volume and short delivery period requirements have created severe problems for Company A. These include explosive increase in numbers of purchasing order, excessive time for supplier quotation time, expediting orders with higher costs, and missed delivery times. These in turn result in loss of sales, lower profit margin, and excessive processing costs and errors in order processing, all seriously hurting the company’s bottom line. After analyzing the current procurement processes, this study proposes a plan to improve the existing system. The major changes include a new material classification scheme, a system-assisted quotation system, an automated purchase order placing mechanism, and a customer service escalation system. These are coupled with appropriate risk controls. The proposed portfolio of changes is expected to achieve a cost reduction of 2.5 million NTD, $2,500,000, in addition to reducing loss of sales due to prompt quotations, and higher customer satisfaction. |