與工期有關的爭議是國內工程爭議的主要類型,且因逾期完工所生爭議之案件,在法院的工程案件中亦佔有相當大的比例,但在爭議處理解決實務上,經常發生訴訟的利害關係人(包括當事人、代理人與法官等)無法清楚知道如何透過有系統且具證據力的程序,以解決營建工程與工期有關之爭議,故本研究之主要目的係藉由歸納分析法院判決認定工期展延之證據資料及過程。本研究透過文獻的整理以及實際案例的分析與佐證,提出「處理工期展延與否之分析流程」,透過此一流程圖,訴訟的利害關係人可以清楚知道如何透過有系統且具證據力的程序,進行有關工期爭議的處理,對於日後解決其面對的工期爭議事件,將能在品質上有所提升。經由本研究之進行,期盼可藉由研究成果對提昇工程實務界對定期更新工程網圖或工程預定進度表,以及於施工過程中保存爭議文件之重視,以利提升未來國內工程與工期有關的訴訟處理品質。;Duration-related dispute is the major type of construction disputes and the cases that completion duration is longer than contract duration are the majority of construction disputes cases in the court in Taiwan. However, the stakeholders, including party, agent and judge, in litigation cases usually do not really understand how to follow a systematical process and provide sufficient evidence in resolving a duration-related dispute. The purpose of this study is to analyze litigation cases to identify the processes and evidence for solving duration-related disputes. Through the approaches of literature review and case study, this study proposes a procedure to deal with extension-of-time dispute. With the procedure, the stakeholders in litigation cases can easily provide clear and convincing evidence. It is anticipated that the research outcomes provide a basic blueprint for how to resolve the disputes related to construction duration, and recognize the importance of updating project schedule and reserving documents related to the disputes. That is essential to improve the quality of duration-related disputes resolution.