本研究計畫的目的有二:一、建構台灣鄉鎮市區的所得;二、利用「鄉鎮市區」所得資料,進行環保課題研究。本研究將參考行政院主計總處公告的各縣市「平均每戶所得」與「平均每人所得」,建構台灣各鄉鎮市區所得,資料來源為財政部公告的台灣各村里報稅所得統計,資料期間將包括民國88年至民國105年。在環保課題的研究方面,本研究將透過所得變數與空氣污染變數探討環境經濟學所討論的環境Kuznets曲線。由於台灣的空氣品質測站只有76處,過去利用縣市所得與空氣品質研究,將容易因區域問題造成衡量上的誤差,本研究利用鄉鎮市區所得分析,將有助於降低是項誤差,提升學術研究的研究品質。此外,本研究亦利用2018年公投中三項有關能源公投課題的結果,討論所得變數對於公投選舉投票結果的影響。本研究所建構的長期台灣鄉鎮市區所得變數,將有助於瞭解過去20年間台灣鄉鎮市區所得的變遷。本研究探討環境Kuznets曲線,並就空氣污染進行分析,將有助於瞭解所得所扮演的角色;最後,有關所得與公投選舉結果討論,並可以瞭解所得的影響。本研究的主題與研究方式,在國內過去的經濟研究上則有所欠缺,本研究成果不但具學術意義,研究成果並可以供做制定環境與能源政策的參考。 ;The purpose of this study has two goals: (1) to constructing the income variable for the township level in Taiwan. (2) to investigating the relationship between the income variable and the related environmental behaviors. By using the data published by the Ministry of Finance and the statistical results of the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, our work is to create the adequate income for the township level from years of 1999 to 2016. The applications of income on the environmental research topics, our work focuses on the analysis of environmental Kuznets curve which has long been discussed in environmental economics and academic journals. The research will study the relationship between the income and the air pollution that has been considered as an important current issue in Taiwan. In addition, our research work will study the referendum results in 2018 election. We will examine the factor of income whether plays an important role on the voting behaviors that are related the energy-environmental issues.Due to the few studies related to using the township income variable in Taiwan, our work has not only play the role for the academic research but also provide the quantify results for the design the suitable environmental and energy policy.