由於科技將資訊、通路與服務都連結在一起,消費者的互動經驗是以個人為中心、整合相關的資訊、通路與服務的整體系統性思維,消費者在系統中自主的蒐集資訊、選擇接觸方式、以最佳的時間、地點、交易條件取得產品與服務,消費者成為自我驅動的資訊與資源整合者。因此,本研究希望由消費者的自主性,亦即消費者賦權的角度來探討全通路的整合服務系統對消費者帶來的幸福感。本研究第一年將以消費者自覺在這個體系中的意義性、自主性、能力與影響程度-心理賦權為基礎,討論其前因與後果。根據賦權理論,心理賦權的前因包括兩大部分:第一類為結構賦權,亦即高績效的系統、社會支持與工作設計等企業面的相關變數;第二類為人格相關變數;而其結果變數亦可分為態度相關變數、以及行為變數。本研究根據這幾個面向討論全通路系統的設計要素、消費者的人格相關變數;與消費者心理授權的態度結果變數,如知覺效益、壓力、以及行為結果變數,如消費者承擔角色內與角色外的公民行為之意圖,及其幸福感。全通路整合的相關研究多主張整合性所帶來的優點,為達成通路整合的目標,要求消費者提供個人資料是不可少的,但相關的個人資料隱私風險與成本也可能成為消費者採用全通路的障礙之一。第二年將延續第一年的研究,在分析時加入隱私授權的因素,進一步討論上述的假說關係是否因為隱私授權高低而有所不同。 ;As the line between online and physical channels is blurred, a new approach to service, the omni-channel marketing, is emerging. The integration of channel and touchpoints that aims to deliver a seamless customer experience makes consumers move freely among channels and devices. Channels are used interchangeably and seamlessly during the search, evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase stages and consumers become self-motivated information and resource integrators. Therefore, this study uses the empowerment theory to investigate how an omni-channel may contribute to consumers’ well-being. Based on the empowerment theory, the antecedents of psychological empowerment are the empowerment structure, including the high-performance system, social support and work design; and individual characteristics. These factors are used in discussing the design factor of the omni-channel service system. The consequences of psychological empowerment can be categorized into attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. This study therefore proposes that consumer empowerment is positively related to perceived consumption value, strain (the attitudinal consequences), consumer in-role and extra-role behaviors (behavioral outcomes); and well-being.Finally, consumer perceived vulnerability of their personal data may be a major concern when using an integrated omni-channel system. We will use two-group structural equation modeling to test differences between the consumers with high and low perceived vulnerability.