閱讀理解是一個複雜的歷程,因為它同時受到讀者、文本及閱讀活動或目的等三個因素的交互影響。然而,傳統的閱讀理解評量偏向簡化這複雜歷程,常以評量讀者的語意理解、找出特定訊息、統整文章主旨與重點、推論等的能力為主。往往這些評量的結果被用來當作篩選或總結性的說明受測者的整體閱讀能力是否達到預期結果,卻無法對閱讀理解教學有太多直接的建議。本研究的終極目標是設計提升高中生閱讀素養的課程,研究方法是透過研發情境導向評量(Scenario-Based Assessment),將評量的性質與內涵進行擴展。評量的性質部分,本研究將定位此評量為歷程性、形成性的評量,所以它將使用在課堂評量中,教師可以從學生的評量表現中得到教學回饋。此外,在評量的內涵部分,本研究將新課綱的素養表現納入評量的設計中。本研究規劃三年期間完成:(1)開發一系列情境導向的閱讀任務,在提供多文本閱讀的脈絡下,設計以閱讀素養為內涵的形成性、歷程性評量;(2)與高中教師合作測試情境導向的閱讀素養評量作為閱讀教學回饋的實用性與可行性,並分析讀者變項如何影響學生閱讀素養的表現;(3)研發有效提升高中生閱讀素養的教學模式與教材,並舉辦工作坊推廣研究成果。 ;Reading comprehension is a complex process, and it involved the interaction of the reader, the text, and the activity. However, without considering this nature of complexity, traditional reading comprehension assessments have been designed mostly to tap students’ abilities to define specific word meaning in context, locate particular piece of information, summarize the main ideas, and make inferences. The outcomes of the assessments were used as screening tools or to see whether the test takers reach the benchmark levels, but did not provide much insight for instructional practices. The main goal of this study is to develop curriculum that can enhance high school students’ reading literacy through integrating a Scenario-Based Assessment of reading literacy into reading instruction. The Scenario-Based Assessment will be designed with the aim to (i) transfer the assessment into process and formative assessment so that teachers can get feedbacks during class session, and (b) include items that go beyond measuring students’ cognitive skills, and the contents of Taiwan’s new curriculum guidelines will also be incorporated in the measures. This 3-year study will accomplish three main objectives: (1) develop a few sets of Scenario-Based Assessment of reading literacy that can serve as classroom teacher’s formative assessment tool; (2) use the designed Scenario-Based Assessment as the research instrument and conduct an instructional intervention to test out its feasibility; and (3) work with high school teachers from different content areas to develop more sets of Scenario-Based Assessment of reading literacy that can be used widely in different high schools.