庫存管理是對庫存進行管控,以符合企業經營需求,而「庫存準確率」為重要之根本,故改善公司的庫存管理的第一步就是要提升資訊的有效性。本研究對象為A公司,該公司基板物料之帳面數據及實體庫存一直存在著落差,本研究利用科學方法找出公司庫存管理出現落差問題存在的主因,並透過參考相關文獻及業界標杆的學習後,評估導入條碼的應用來改善公司現況的問題。然而,條碼的種類眾多,適用的產業亦不同,從選用、規範、測試、至改善後再測試,最後挑選出符合A公司考量及需求,選定條碼開始進行導入,經過個案研究的結果顯示,導入條碼後除了如預期結果相符,大幅的改善了庫存的準確率,資訊經由條碼讀取、上傳、下載、整合到應用,為A公司的自動化、系統化帶來了重要的契機及改善。;Company A has been suffering substrate inventory gap in between actual qty and account qty. The company has been wanted to minimize the gap since inventory data accuracy matters directly to cost and management issues. This research report helps find out possible root cause of the inventory gap by a methodology . Through benchmark of the related papers and the industry, company A plans to proceed “bar code introduction” to improve material traceability, and in the long run, well control accurate inventory qty.There is a variety of bar code systems, how to choose the most suitable method for a certain company (or industry) replies on well preparation, plan-ahead and trial run. Research shows that bar code system will indeed improve inventory accuracy. Besides data accuracy enhancement, the introduction of bar code system is also regarded the extension of automation policy and road map of company A.