台灣走過了民國五十年到七十年代的經濟起飛階段,曾經被世界贊為亞洲四小龍之首的美譽,應該歸功於台灣中小企業和傳統產業的貢獻。自民國80年代後,高科技產業逐漸取代製造業為發展主軸,傳產型的中小企業也隨之慢慢式微,本研究目的旨在藉由L公司為建議標的,作為代表台灣傳產型中小企業普遍面臨的窘境以及透過轉型來延續企業生命的探討。 本研究方法係透過分析兩例轉型個案,利用SWOT分析為基礎來擷取個案成功後營運的「關鍵成功因素」(Key Success Factors)和營運「關鍵失敗因素」(Key Failure Factors),並導出適合提供給標的個案「L公司」做為轉型的借鏡和建議。經研究發現,兩造個案都是創立於台灣經濟起飛時期的小型代工廠,分別為塑膠成形代工鴻海)和製鞋業代工(永恩),個案轉型發展過程中有著顯著的差異,鴻海在本質基礎上力求變革,而永恩卻選擇跨出另一個領域的商業模式。研究結果:根據對研究對象個案探討之後,權衡時空背景與企業規模,鴻海於1982初次轉型的經驗適合作為L公司現階段的轉型借鏡和建議。而永恩案例雖亦轉型成功,但其後的經營方向有值得引以為戒的經驗。 我在整個研究過程中也領悟到轉型的意義:「企業轉型可以不必太複雜,檢視本身現有最熟悉的優勢,把它做到比競爭對手更好、更專業就是一種轉型」。;Taiwan’s traditional industry and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) play an important role in the economy of the fast-developing stage during the 1960s to 1980s. Recently, since some traditional industry and SMEs begin to decline with the growth of the high technology industry, the industrial transformation has become the inevitable choice. It is the purpose of this thesis to discuss the case of transformation from two companies and gives the suggestion to the “L” company which is also a traditional industry. One of the cases is successful in keeping operations after the industrial transformation, and the other one is a failure. The research method is to find out the key success factors and the key failure factors between two keeping operation cases by SWOT analysis after transforming business. Finally, we make some suggestions suit to “L” company.