隨著經濟全球化的興起,台灣與國際之間的貿易與投資往來日益緊密。然而,全球化究竟對於公司的成長是一個動力抑或是阻力?本論文使用台灣自1990年至2018年間上市櫃製造業進行實證分析。研究結果發現出口對公司銷售成長有正向顯著的影響,但對就業成長則無顯著影響。相對的對外直接投資對母公司就業成長以及對母公司銷售成長皆為負向顯著影響。至於其他變數的影響,本論文發現:無論是從公司就業成長或銷售成長的來看,公司規模愈小則公司成長愈快,拒絕Gibrat’s law的規模與公司成長無關之論點;而公司年齡愈小則公司成長愈快,且隨著年齡增加,成長幅度會趨緩,此結果支持動態學習效果假說;最後,發現資本密集度對於公司成長的影響為顯著正相關,表示資本密集度愈高的公司呈現較高的成長。;Along with the emergence of economic globalization, the activities of international trade and investment become prevailing in Taiwanese firms. Crucially, how economic globalization affects firms’ growth? Is it promoting or retarding firm growth? Using a panel dataset of manufacturing firms listed on Taiwan’s stock exchange market for the 1990-2018 period, this thesis examines the relationship between economic globalization, in terms of exports and outward foreign direct investment (OFDI), and firm growth. Empirical results find that exports are positively related to sale growth, whereas there is no significant relationship between exports and employment growth. Correspondingly, OFDI exhibits a significantly negative influence on sale growth and employment growth. Regarding other covariates, this thesis finds that small firms grow faster in terms of sale growth and employment growth, rejecting the Gibrat’s law that firm size is irrelevant to growth. Younger firms are found to grow faster, supporting the hypothesis of dynamic learning effect. We also find that capital intensity is positively related to firm growth.