本文使用華人家庭動態資料庫 (Panel Study of Family Dynamics,簡稱PSFD) 第十七年計畫 (RR2018) 的資料,直接由受訪者的角度分析影響離婚的可能因素。本研究探討教育年數、經濟收入、工作時間、家庭成員和受訪者的五種感受對離婚可能性的影響;並考慮男女受訪者對配偶可能存有不同的標準,進而區分影響男女離婚可能性的因素有何不同;此外,是否具有全職工作可能也會影響婚姻的穩定度,因此本文也依伴侶的工時進行區分,探討影響離婚之因素,是否會受到配偶為全職或兼職的狀況而有所不同。實證結果顯示:1. 小孩及同住人人數與離婚可能性呈負向關係;2. 縱使女性的教育程度或勞參率不斷提升,男性仍被期待承擔主要的家庭經濟責任;3. 當配偶擁有足夠的經濟穩定條件,影響離婚的其他因素變得相對不重要。換句話說,即使受訪者在婚姻中不太滿意,但會屈就於配偶的經濟穩定發展而維持婚姻。;This study uses the 17th year plan (RR2018) of the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) to examine determinants of divorce in Taiwan. To be specific, how educational level, income, working hours, household composition , and five self-reported measures can affect the probability of divorce are investigated. Moreover, in order to understand the gender differences in reasons for divorce, we compare male subsample with female subsample. As far as spouse’s job stability is concerned, we divide the whole sample into spouses with full-time job and spouses with part-time job. The results show that: 1. The number of children and cohabitants is negatively related to the probability of divorce. 2. Even though the education level and labor participation rate of women continue to increase, men are expected to be breadwinners. 3. When individual’s spouse has sufficient economic stability, other factors become relatively irrelevant. That is, even if an individual is not satisfied with the marriage, he or she will continue maintaining the marriage due to his or her spouse’s stable financial performance.