摘要: | 過去十年間,愈來愈多個體與團隊紛紛投入創業的行列。創業最艱辛的地方就是籌募資金的難題。而線上群眾募資平台的出現,為創新專案的發起者與願意支持的消費者提供一個媒合的管道。儘管有部分文章開始探索群眾募資相關的議題,但目前群眾募資文獻主要從專案發起者的角度討論,鮮少有研究從消費者內心觀點切入,探究影響募資專案成功之重要因素。再者,對於消費者來說,募資商品往往都尚未被商品化,故其需要藉由可視化之過程來模擬未來的使用情境,以決定是否贊助該專案。然而,募資專案大多都具有時效性問題,倘若未能於限定的時間內達成集資目標,專案將面臨募資失敗。若能在消費者瀏覽專案內容(如:專案文案、圖片或影片、專案發起者介紹)的當下,強化消費者對於專案商品的可視化過程,進而促使其產生衝動地贊助意圖將有助於專案實踐的目標達成。因此,建基於刺激—機制—反應模式,本研究欲探究專案內容要素如何藉由消費者預期心理影響其衝動贊助意圖。 本論文針對有瀏覽過線上群眾募資平台之消費者進行便利性抽樣法,以線上問卷收集437 筆有效問卷,並採統計軟體AMOS 21.0 進行結構方程模型驗證假說。研究結果顯示,專案商品獨創性、專案視覺吸引力、專案團隊專業度等刺激因素對消費者預期效益與預期後悔具有顯著且正向的影響效果。雖然專案內容完整性對預期效益有顯著的正向影響,卻與預期後悔呈現顯著負相關。而預期效益與預期後悔皆顯著且正向的影響消費者衝動購買意圖。研究結果期對群眾募資與衝動購買相關文獻做出貢獻,並在實務上為個人創業或團隊創業在發起與制定募資專案之策略上帶來參考依據。;Several individuals and entrepreneurs have devoted their entire careers to new businesses over the last decades. Monetary difficulties are one of the most common challenges for these entrepreneurs. Thus, businesses have adopted computer-mediated crowdfunding to solicit funds from other individuals for the realization of their creative projects. The field of crowdfunding has been the subject of increasing interest. However, focal research has primarily been the purview of creators’ perspectives. Research on the exploration of funders’ (consumers who give money) consuming experiences and their motivation for funding a project is limited. On the one hand, crowdfunding products are prototypes. Thus, consumers often depend on visualization via stimulus content to illustrate how a final product will be used in a future situation. On the other hand, most crowdfunding projects have a deadline for soliciting funds. If the project creators do not solicit sufficient funds, then the project may fail. Thus, a project is likely to be successful when creators enhance consumers’ visualization of the crowdfunding project through distinct elements (including product originality, visual attractiveness, project completeness, and fundraisers’ expertise). As a result, consumers gain impulsive funding intentions. Therefore, to gain greater insights into this potential, this study focuses on the effects of a stimulus project element on consumers’ future-oriented consideration by drawing on stimulus–organism–response paradigm, thus affecting one’s impulsive funding intention. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine empirical data collected from 437 consumers of crowdfunding users via convenience sampling. Findings reveal that product originality, visual attractiveness, and fundraisers’ expertise lead to expected benefit and anticipated regret. However, although project completeness positively relates to expected benefit, it negatively relates to anticipated regret. Furthermore, perceived expected benefit and anticipated regret significantly impact on consumers’ impulsive funding intention. In addition to providing valuable tactics for crowdfunding entrepreneurs, our findings elicit several theoretical and practical implications for stimulating customers’ impulsive funding intention in a computer-mediated crowdfunding context. |