在本研究中,我們收集來自台灣前1000大製造業的數據以測試我們的假說。結果顯示,跨組織知資訊能力與組織留神覺知有顯著像關係。此外,本研究還確定跨組織留神覺知與供應鏈績效正向關。最後,研究結果也闡明跨組織資訊能力和供應鏈績效的正向影響。 ;Inter-firm mindfulness is a critical ability for firms to make quickly sensing the problem on their cooperation relationship and the supply chain process. In the current environment, firms use information technology (IT) to manage various business information and business process. Therefore, how to effectively use technology to assist each other′s cooperation is also an important starting point. This study attempts to inter-firm mindfulness and inter-firm IT competency promoted across organizations level, and their impact on supply chain performance is tested.
In this study, we collected survey data from the top 1000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms to test our hypotheses. Our results revealed that the inter-firm IT competency is positively associated with inter-firm mindfulness. We also showed that inter-firm mindfulness is positively associated with supply chain performance. Our results elucidate the influence of inter-firm IT competency and inter-firm mindfulness on supply chain performance, delivering theoretical and practical implications.