本研究發現,非會員會在隱私問題的考量下,不會因為現有促銷優惠方案而加入變成會員,業者必須另外針對非會員,擬定可以消除其隱私顧慮的促銷優惠方案。本研究亦發現,會員與非會員對遊戲款式的喜好,存在極大的差異,除了遊戲款式的配置必須同時考量兩者的不同喜好外,兩者對遊戲屬性的偏好差異,亦可提供遊戲製造商在開發遊戲時的參考。 ;To facilitate efficient internal management and cope with horizontal competitions, it has been a trend for the amusement arcade industry to introduce membership systems using information management systems. The industry expects the introduction of information management systems not only to lower the costs, but also design better promotion plans and game models, thus creating better overall business performance.
This research demonstrates a case study, which first shows how to use statistical methods and association rules in data mining to analyze information of players collected from slot machines and studies different consumer behaviors of members and potential members (non-members) in order to evaluate the effectiveness of existing promotion plans and the arrangements of slot machines of an amusement arcade.
This research reveals that due to privacy concerns, potential members will not apply for the membership even though there are certain promotion benefits offered to members. Promotion plans that can eliminate potential members’ privacy concerns should be conducted. The research also concludes that members’ and potential members’ preferences for game models are very different. The preference differences have to be considered when arranging game models and developing new games for the slot machines.