個案公司決定以收集ERP 日誌資料為主。對外面對稽核單位提出跟ERP 使用者記錄相關問題,答案能從這些資料擷取出來。稽核零缺失帶來實質效益訂單穩定,公司聲譽高標準。對內管理者目前是無法得知系統真實上線人數,針對下一年年度帳號預算規劃,帳號追加購買這一項往往無法有一數據輔助決策。買多是浪費開銷,帳號不足使用者抱怨連連,延遲公司日常作業。基於上述兩項原因,個案公司預期大數據分析目前帳號使用分佈能帶來實質效益,打聽同業已經執行大數據分析專案過程,另外公司在最近一年來聘請如工研院或大學教授幫同仁上大數據相關課程。發現都是使用Python作為大數據分析工具,一來開源無須再付出額外授權費用,再者相關套件成熟。業界使用頻繁,容易找到參考範例,彼此溝通有相同語言。決定使用Python 作為此次日誌分析工具。 ;Recent year, the software and hardware of Artificial Intelligence technology improved quickly. Each company tries to collect any data they have. For example, manufacturing try to collect the data of the mechanism. The raw data collected that have more than one hundred Terabytes. The data just collected finish. These collected dates not clean transfers of meaningful data, they cannot improve business income. These companies consider using Commercial software to analyze the big data they have. The much Commercial software license cost and data expose issues that these companies have more concern.
Our research focus on ERP Audit logs collect and analysis. The company that we study recent year faced Audit Of Accountant. The auditor asks questions about the security issue of the ERP System. For example, the ERP system users login time, from which machine, and they make any changes in the ERP system. The questions above can be found correct answer in their ERP audit logs. The audit logs recorded that raw data about the mention questions before. The company does not know how to use the raw data to get answers for the Audit Of Accountant. Due to the issue the company gets audit punishment.
The company decides to use open source of the big data to solve the audit issue. They try to analyze the audit log raw to get some good results. For example, current online ERP system users, user login from which computer, the counts of the ERP program used. The company reference others companies have already used big data to reduce daily work. Finally, the company tries to use open source ′Python′ to the main big data analysis tool. Python become the most popular big data analysis tool recent year. The Python communities more and the Python package good for analysis big data.