許多研究探討二維量子點奈米線陣列(SLNW array)的聲子熱導,但缺乏熱電特性相關上的研究,本論文討論從一維量子點奈米線(SLNW)至二維量子點奈米線陣列(SLNW array) 熱電特性的改變。探討電子的傳輸特性會隨著y方向之耦合作用而改變,但電子傳輸係數為守恆。 接著探討PF和量子點能階與費米能階差之關係,∆=10Γ_0時,一維系統的PF最大值明顯高於二維系統,然而溫度對於熱電元件有極大的影響,因此探討溫度和PF之關係。當∆=10Γ_0時,電子傳輸的方式由直接穿隧主導,低溫時一維系統的PF最大值高達8.7但隨著溫度上升至室溫PF值會趨近0。當∆=60Γ_0時,電子傳輸的方式由熱離子輔助穿隧主導,此時一維系統和二維系統之熱電特性十分接近,室溫下PF值為3。 ;Many studies have investigated the phonon thermal conductivity of 2-dimensional system, however, the thermoelectric properties of an SLNW array are lacking. As a result, we investigate the thermoelectric properties of an SLNW under the transition from a one-dimensional to a two-dimensional system. When the energy level of quantum dot(QD) is far away from the Fermi energy of the electrodes, the thermionic assisted tunneling procedure dominates the electron transport between electrodes. In this regime, the topological effect on the thermoelectric properties can be ignored.