摘要: | 過去十年間,全球掀起一股創業風潮,愈來愈多個體與團隊紛紛投入創業的行列。對於他們而言,實踐創業夢想最艱辛的地方就是籌募資金的難題。然而,群眾募資平台的出現,提供創新專案的創造者與願意支持的消費者一個媒合的管道。儘管有部分文章開始探索群眾募資的相關議題,但目前群眾募資相關文獻主要從專案創造者的角度討論,鮮少有研究從消費者觀點探究募資專案是否成功的重要因素。再者,數位環境中過量的資訊往往會導致資訊負荷的情況,進而影響消費者的決策。故本研究認為在消費者接觸專案內容刺激的當下,若能立即產生衝動性地贊助行為是有助於專案實踐的目標達成。因此,本研究欲透過一系列之研究分析專案內容要素、專案曝光要素對消費者態度與行為之影響與相關機制。具體而言,本研究將從三部分探討募資專案如何影響消費者體驗的重要因素。第一,如何促使消費者衝動性贊助之專案內容要素與專案曝光要素;第二,如何透過強化消費者心流體驗以提升潛水者公民行為;第三,如何藉由規範性信念影響消費者贊助募資專案之評估。消費者對於募資專案的評估可從不同觀點進行分析,故本研究案係以三年期三個架構討論募資專案創造者如何藉由不同關鍵要素提升消費者體驗與支持行為。第一年計劃著重募資專案如何藉由可視化(即專案內容要素、專案曝光要素)過程影響顧客之預期情緒機制,進而促使消費者衝動性贊助行為。延續第一年計畫,第二年計畫將針對社群媒體之曝光要素建構一跨期模型,從社會影響理論分析潛水者認知瀏覽品質、心流體驗,以及潛水者公民行為之間的關係。有鑑於募資專案目的在於成功募得資金以實踐專案內容,則第三年計畫將從專案品牌社群之規範性強化因素、規範性氛圍以及規範性信念討論消費者之群體意向與贊助行為。其中,第二年計畫後期將發展並建構潛水者公民行為之量表。透過此三項子計畫之執行,本研究預期可以豐富募資專案相關文獻,探討創造顧客支持、贊助、分享行為之重要影響機制,結果預期可以提供實務與學術界重要的管理與研究意涵。 ;Over time, countless entrepreneurs have devoted their entire careers to establish new businesses. However, entrepreneurs face several challenges, of which monetary constraints are the most common. Under this condition, to realize their creative projects, individuals have adopted computer-mediated crowdfunding to solicit funds from other individuals. Despite crowdfunding increasingly attracting attention, research has focused mainly on the creators’ perspectives. There is scant research on the funders’ (consumers who give money) experiences and their motivations for funding a project. Nevertheless, information-processing overload is compounded by the volume of information that individuals experience, which leads to great complexity in funders’ decision making. Thus, for better understanding of this potential, it is important to understand the critical elements that influence project funding success. Therefore, this study explores how elements of touch (including essential content and social media factors) affect one’s impulsive pledging behaviors and other actions. In particular, the fundraising efforts affecting customer experience can be explored in three significant stages: (1) understanding the critical elements that prompt customers’ impulsive pledging behaviors, (2) exploring customer (i.e., lurker) citizenship behavior by enhancing their flow experiences, and (3) evaluating the role of normative enforcing factors as a critical mechanism in supporting crowdfunding projects. Therefore, this study aims to understand the relation between crowdfunding and funder experiences using three subprojects with different points of penetration. The objective of the first subproject is to explore how different influencers (i.e., content and social media indicators) affect future-oriented emotions (i.e., expected benefits and anticipated regret) of the funds through the visualization process, which in turn encourage customers’ impulsive pledging behaviors. Broadening the results of the first subproject, the second subproject utilizes the social influence theory to identify relations between browsing quality in an SNS-based community, flow experiences, and citizenship behavior from lurkers’ perspectives. Moreover, a longitudinal study examined the relations among lurkers’ participations, experience, and actual beneficial behaviors. The second subproject also conceptualizes, constructs, and tests a multiple-item scale that examines lurker citizenship behaviors using psychometric scale development approaches. To explain the potential benefits of the herding effect on the SNS-based community of specific funding projects, the third subproject examines the effects of normative enforcing factors on we-intention through a normative process, which in turn influences the actual purchase and sharing behaviors. The related findings are expected to not only advance the theoretical understanding of the important elements of crowdwork success along with funder’s experience and behaviors but also provide insights into the implications for creators in managing their projects on crowdfunding platforms. |