網紅商機無限由於網紅樂於分享各式各樣的訊息,所以容易取得對應群眾的信任與注意,對此該族群的決策行為產生極大的影響力,成為網路行銷無可替代的重要推手,因此越來越多美妝產業挪出預算與網紅合作以提高聲量。目前最常見的為業務配合,即所謂的「業配」。美妝品牌免費提供保養、彩妝品,讓網紅深層體驗,再透過Facebook粉絲專頁、instagram、YouTube分享使用心得,使他們的追蹤者因為對於該網紅的喜愛進而注意到品牌端,最後喜愛該品牌。;The business opportunity of Internet celebrities is unlimited. The Internet celebrities like to share all kinds of information, so it is easy to gain the trust and attention from their target audiences. Therefore, the influencers could cause a huge effect on their followers’ decision-making behavior. As mentioned previously, Internet celebrities have become the extremely important promoters and play the irreplaceable roles of digital marketing.Therefore, there is a growing number of cosmetic brands willing to increase their budgets for enhancing their eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) by cooperating with the internet celebrities. At present, to cooperate with internet celebrities is the common business strategy and has adopted by numerous cosmetic brands, which is defined as “advertorial” (advertisement plus editorial). The venders provide the internet celebrities skin-care and makeup products for free but require them to share their experiences on the fan pages, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for promoting the products. In this way, the followers could know about the products from the influencers’ posts, and possibly become the royal customers of the cosmetic brands eventually.