摘要 本研究探討主管對下屬的不友善態度,將如何影響下屬與主管溝通的真誠度,以及最終對下屬生產力造成影響。本研究包含2概念的探討: 首先是主管的不友善態度是否會影響下屬的表面從眾行為,以及不友善態度如何導致負向的工作退縮,其次探討下屬長期表面從眾行為是否亦導致工作退縮行為。 本研究透過400份問卷,成功訪問373個受訪者,採結構方程模型進行量化分析;結果顯示【主管不友善】對下屬的【表面從眾】行為影響顯著;【主管不友善】也會導致下屬的【工作退縮】,而【表面從眾】本身亦是造成下屬【工作退縮】的因素。 本研究有利用社會交換理論、社會認同理論與社會分類理論等放入相關研究,有助於後續相關領導理論研究應用範疇。從主管的不友善行為出發,對下屬在公司的真誠程度有何影響,最終導致下屬在職場的工作退縮。 關鍵字: 主管不友善、表面從眾、工作退縮 ;Abstract In this research, we study how the Supervisor Incivility impact the sincerity of communication between supervisor and subordinate and finally impact the productivity. This study contains two conceptual discussions: Firstly, is the Supervisor Incivility result in subordinates’Facades of Conformity and then lead to Work Withdrawal. Secondly, if long-term Facades of Conformity behaviors also cause Work Withdrawal. This study successfully interviewed 373 respondents through 400 questionnaires and apply SEM model to conduct the quantitative analysis. The results indicate Supervisor Incivility have a significant impact on subordinates′ Facades of Conformity. In addition, Supervisor Incivility also cause subordinates’ Work Withdrawal. Finally, Facades of Conformity is also a significant factor of Work Withdrawal. This research adapt Social Exchange Theory, Social Identity Theory and Social Categorization Theory to explore the relative domains of leadership. From Supervisor Incivility to evaluate the sincerity of subordinates and then ultimately lead to Work Withdrawal Key Words: Supervisor Incivility、Facades of Conformity、Work Withdrawal