摘要: | 本文旨在探討與分析投影機產業之競爭策略,以D公司為個案,結合目前在中國地區整體市場需求變化特徵,論述D公司在中國地區進行投影機行銷活動所面臨之產業現況、品牌表現、企業內部科技條件和外部競爭環境變化、銷售渠道轉變觀察等。 運用次級資料分析法,結合國際PMA Research 太平洋地區媒體協會針對全球十大品牌收集在中國的銷售數據及中國地區前瞻產業研究院在中國投影機行業市場需求與投資規劃分析報告等,對D公司所採取之行銷策略進行綜合分析以及探討,找出在中國市場競爭中所具有的優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅,並且在發展品牌、技術研發、銷售通路等方面提出改善建議,以及分析市場上不同型態廠商之垂直整合程度。最後對其產業在中國市場發展趨勢進行建議,利用自身優勢調整其市場競爭中的策略以提升在未來整體競爭力以及拓展新的發展方向。 最後藉由PEST分析、五力分析、SWOT由外而內的清楚的勾勒出研究對象所面對的中國市場也別於其他國家的特性,投影機市場的競爭與威脅,再聚焦到個案公司自身的優缺點與威脅跟機會點,可以針對這些分析結果找出相對應的短中長期的發展策略與執行目標,可提供給其他產業類似的品牌公司在策略發展上很好的借鏡。至於未來的成功否,則有賴於良好的執行力。 優劣勢分析主要是著眼於企業自身的實力及其與競爭對手的比較,而機會和威脅分析將註意力放在外部環境的變化及對企業的可能影響上。在分析時,應把所有的內部因素(即優劣勢)集中在一起,然後用外部的力量來對這些因素進行評估。;The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze the projector business strategy in China market. Take D company as a research object to study the China projector market and business. The study analyze the secondary data collected by PMA Research, the leading market research company on the projector industry, to understand the overall picture of China projector market, including capacity, segment, user profile, and competition. With SWOT analysis and Porter’s 5-force analysis, the result helps understand D company’s business strategy and also provide implications and recommendations for the company’s long term development, including technology, business, marketing, and product domains based on its existing foundation. The purpose of this research is to study D company’s competence, with PEST, 5-force, and SWOT analysis to understand China projector market’s unique characteristics, opportunities, and threats. Moreover, D company’s strengths and weakness confronting with other competitors in the market are also reviewed. By these reviews and analyses, the study provides suggestion for the short term and long term business strategies and ultimate goals, which could also be adapted by other brand name companies competing in other markets. |