研究結果顯示,對照組口說成效在前測時遠高於實驗組,但口說後測則無顯著差異;實驗組加入團康遊戲後,焦慮反而提高了,尤其害怕負面評價焦慮和溝通焦慮,都顯得比實驗前來的高,而對照組卻是考試焦慮提高。藉由Pearson相關分析發現實驗組英語口說成效與英語焦慮有顯著負相關,對照組則無顯著相關。透過心得單和訪談紀錄,學生都享受這種英語課融入團康遊戲的學習方式,其因包含輕鬆有趣、邊玩邊學與同儕互動等。語言是一種用來與人溝通的工具,那為何焦慮會提高?是否與華人學習語言的文化和習慣相關呢? ;The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of English class integrated group activities on speaking anxiety and speaking performance of 5th grade students. Also, analyzed the relationship between English-speaking anxiety and English-speaking performance. To use “Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS)" (Horwitz et al., 1986) and GEPT Elementary-level speaking test rating scale as research tools to measure students′ English-speaking anxiety and English-speaking performance. The research material was revised on online sources.
This study was a quasi-experimental design. The participants of the study were the 5th grade students in an elementary school of northern Taiwan, including 26 students of experimental group and 22 students of control group. The aims of this study were: 1. To investigate English-speaking anxiety between group activities and non-group activities class. 2. To investigate English-speaking performance between group activities and non-group activities class. 3. To investigate the reasons about higher or lower of English-speaking anxiety. 4. To investigate the reasons about higher or lower of English-speaking performance.
The results revealed that control group showed higher speaking performance on pre-test than experimental group. But after group activities learning, the speaking performance between the two groups were gradually at the same level. After group activities learning in speaking anxiety aspect, experimental group had higher speaking anxiety than control group, especially communication apprehension and fear of negative evaluation. Moreover, Control group had higher test anxiety than before. To investigate the relationship between English-speaking anxiety and English-speaking performance, Pearson’s correlation showed that experimental group had significant negative correlation, but control group had nonsignificant correlation. Qualitative data explained that students enjoy this group activities learning method because it can learn by doing, have more opportunity with peer interaction, enhance memorize of English, and feel relaxed in the class.
Language is a kind of tool to communicate with others. So why after the research, English anxiety of experimental group were getting higher? Perhaps, language anxiety is related to learning language cultures and habits with Chinese people.