本研究計畫將從資通訊科技數位化之發展軌跡,瞭解其對產業、市場結構與競爭之影響,並分析所謂數位經濟或數位市場之核心競爭要素,以及數位經濟相關事業之合/購併發展趨勢。同時將蒐集、分析與比較美國、歐盟及我國既有數位經濟相關結合案例,藉此瞭解相關競爭法理論及實務之最新發展。然後綜合經濟面與法制面之研究,呈現、分析數位經濟對於傳統結合管制架構之衝擊,以及數位市場結合案件與傳統結合案件在實體審查標準及考量因素之差異性。最後綜合前面之分析,針對公平會審查數位市場結合案件提供政策性建議。 ;This research project aims to dissect the core competitive elements of digital economy and its impact on antitrust merger control. It will do so by studying the changes on industrial organizations, market structures and competitive patterns brought by modern information and communications technologies, as well as recent regulatory merger reviews (and court cases, if any) involving during economy giants. The project will then provide practical policy suggestions to the Fair Trade Commission, with emphasis on possible structural changes to regulatory merger control and feasible adjustments to review standards and impact assessment factors.