摘要: | 日治時期客家族群因糖業、腦業的經濟吸力與地理位置的資源分配來到國姓鄉南港村,因上山打獵誤捕幼鹿及懷孕的母鹿開始圈養繁殖,直到 1960 年代鹿茸經濟價值提升轉作主業經營,國姓客家族群與鹿茸產業在政策制度、人口、自然環境等因素變動下締結不解之緣。 本研究以質性深度訪談法探究國姓客家族群的遷移史、族群網絡的創建過程及其資源運用、鹿茸產業中的產業群聚現象、產業發展知識與現況、客家族群與文化如何嵌入鹿茸產業之中。 研究發現鹿茸產業以四「緣」關係網絡作為基礎,包含血「緣」性家族網絡、地「緣」性客家聚落、業「緣」性養鹿協會、神「緣」性鹿神祭,透過家族資本、族群資本、社會資本組成的三層同心圓取得網絡資源,形成「以鹿追客」的產業群聚帶狀分布,由國姓鄉南港村延伸至水里鄉新興村鹿寮坑,產業鏈的上、中、下游都有客家人參與,且客家族群已將婚姻習俗、語言、宗教信仰、建築、飲食、個性特質等無形的族群文化融入鹿茸產業之中,亦是從經濟過渡到文化、從族群資本變成社會資本的最佳實例,表示客家族群經濟與文化已相互滲透鑲嵌在鹿茸產業的發展中,因此將國姓鹿茸產業定義為客家族群產業。 ;Hakka people migrated again to Guoxing due to work opportunities from the sugar and camphor industry and resource allocation by geographical location. They hunted fawn and pregnant deer due to an oversight and started to keep the Formosan sambar during the Japanese colonial period. In 1960s, the economic value of antlers increased and became a main industry in Guoxing. Due to changes of the social system, population, natural environment and so on, the Hakka ethnic group and antler industry makes a subtle relationship. This thesis investigates the deer industry through in-depth interviews and analyze the remigration history of the Hakka people, the creation process of ethnic network and resources they use, the phenomenon of industry cluster in deer industry, the development of the deer industry and the embeddedness between Hakka people and the deer industry. The result shows that the four relation networks are based on kins and friends, local Hakka village, Deer Farmers’ Association, and “Deer Deity Festival.” Getting the network resources through family capital, ethnic capital and social capital which are comprised to be concentric circles and we perceive the zonal distribution of the industry from Nangang village in Guoxing to Luliaokeng in Shuili. Hakka people take part in the whole deer industrial chain, and integrate ethnic culture, including marriage customs, language, religion, building, and food in the deer industry. Furthermore, it’s a good example from economic transit to culture, from ethnic capital to social capital that translates to the Hakka ethnic economy and culture infiltrating and embedding into the deer industry. Hence, deer industry is defined as Hakka ethnic industry. |