本文採用C銀行及D銀行以及國內37間銀行作為主要數據,進行分析結果顯示此併購案能使D銀行提升市場佔有率。但併購後產生之綜效是否能夠高於D銀行之溢價,本研究以情境分析將未來可能狀況分為保守情況以及樂觀情況。假設疫情趨緩景氣回溫,D銀行穩定成長之下未來效益有望超越支付溢價。另外考慮通貨膨脹因素之下影響之實質利率,D銀行合併後若沒有進一步減少人事成本或整併縮減重疊分行,恐將影響合併後營運成本。此外,若D銀行無法順利延續C銀行既有的卡友忠誠度,將可能面臨之客戶流失問題影響到合併之效益,併購產生之綜效恐難超越溢價。;In this study, we use C bank, D bank and other 37 banks in Taiwan as data, to discuss and find out this mergers and acquisitions can raise the market share of D bank in Taiwan banking. But if the synergy can cover the premium? We use situational analysis to divide the possibilities into two parts conservative perspective and optimistic perspective. Optimistic perspective assume COVID-19 pandemic slows down and economic recovery, D bank will grow stably in the future and synergy is expected to over the premium. Conservative perspective is taking inflation into consideration. If D bank can not reduce the labor cost or rectificate the overlapping brach bank, these situations may impact the operation cost after mergers and acquisitions. Besides, after mergers and acquisitions, if D bank can not successive customer loyalty may impact the revenue. As stated above, D bank may not be able to overcome this premium.