摘要: | 隨著網路的普及與數位科技的持續創新及應用,企業經營與工廠生產製造端發生了重大性的變化。有鑑於2019年爆發新冠疫情,低接觸經濟與遠距工作成為新常態。企業若是不能思考如何運用數位科技來提升客戶的服務需求或是改變客戶的消費體驗,或是提高企業運營的效能,那在競爭激烈的市場上肯定會被淘汰出局(張逸翔,2020)。 本研究針對台灣電子資訊業為因應數位環境快速變化的特性而推動數位轉型策略時,研究其轉型驅動因素,探討什麼因素會影響企業進行數位轉型。研究目的包含(1)驅動個案公司進行數位轉型的因素有哪些?(2)探討個案公司利用數位科技進行轉型,是否與如何產生正向效益? 本論文採用個案研究分析法,以電子資訊製造業 W 公司做為個案研究對象,透過分析個案公司目前的經營狀況,以及失效分析部門的管理現狀,再藉由對高階主管及部門主管的深度訪談與對專案推行的觀察,對個案公司提出未來持續發展的建議。 本研究分析後發現,驅動企業進行數位轉型的關鍵因素可以歸納為7項,分別為:(1)流程創新及優化改進;(2)人員因素;(3)組織因素;(4)成本考量;(5)顧客需求;(6)市場因素;(7)政府法規。而個案公司部門以流程優化、客戶需求、成本考量這三項因素為利基,從維修技能、維修方法、維修設備、維修物料四項面向進行專案開展,經由跨部門合作及優化改善,已逐漸展現出效益。並對有意推動轉型的企業後續提出2點建議:(1)制定策略、盤點資源並妥善分配;(2)逐步實行,採階段式導入。 本研究期望能協助企業的經營者,透過企業內部對驅動數位轉型因素的排查,在企業核心競爭力與轉型目標的架構下順利運作,將數位轉型行動融入組織之所有層面,將企業轉型這個艱鉅的任務,變成明確可行的目標。;The thesis investigates the driving forces that motivate electronic and information technology industries in Taiwan to spend effort in digital evolution in the face of rapid change of digital technologies. The research scopes are to investigate the above mentioned factors and the possible benefit for companies who engage in such effort. Due to the pandemic outbreak, Covid-19, in 2019, working from home, WFM, and low-touch economy became popular. Therefore, companies need to think how to survive in the fierce competition by adapting digital technologies to improve manufacturing efficiency and enhance customer experience. The study is a cases study of the W-company, a major company in the industry. The research was based on management investigation of business strategies, operation of the failure analysis division and research projects. The critical driving forces have been investigated, as follows: optimal innovation procedure, talent education, organization, cost, customer requirements, global marketing, and government regulations. In addition, divisions of the case company further work on projects related to maintenance skills, maintenance methods, equipment and spare parts. Due to cross-departmental cooperation, positive results have been shown in the working projects. The research presents feasible methods for companies to survive in the competition by digitalizing their critical processes so as to further enhance their core competitiveness. In order to achieve the digital evolution, companies should have plans for well-organized resources, strategy arrangement and step-by-step processes to accomplish the transformation. |