工程品質為營建工程專案的重要目標之一,然而工程品質程度的高低反 映著專案中對於契約規範、業主需求與最終使用者需求的滿足程度。現今國 內對於營建工程專案的品質越發重視,工程管理的相關規定、專案品質查核 與品管人員的教育訓練等,藉此要求工程品質。本研究想將品質這一詞進行 量化,將品質成本的計算方法融入國內營造業,將品質成本模型導入品質管 理工具中,但國內不管在實務或文獻中,鮮少有相關的案例資料,使用上沒 有參考依據。本研究主要目的係探討品質成本模型應用於國內營造業的使用 問題,進而得出使用時須注意事項與成果意涵。本研究首先確認品質成本模 型使否能應用在國內的營造業中,透過文獻回顧了解品質成本模型相關背景 資訊,然後經由專家訪談,藉由專家多年的實務經驗與專業知識,確認品質 成本模型得可行性,接著實際案例的應用,以柔性鋪面工程為例,將其品質 管理項目依照品質成本分類進行歸納與計算,並以監督管理人員為主軸,探 討監督管理能力對於工程品質績效之影響,對其結果進行分析與探討。品質 成本模型可應用於國內營造業,應用上藉著品質成本各分類的趨勢變化,了 解廠商或監督管理人員品質管理績效的優劣,並找出問題予以改善與解決。 ;Construction quality management is one of the important goals in the construction industry, and the quality of the project depends on the level to which the contract specifications or the owner′s or the end-user’s needs are met in the project or not. Now, it pays more and more attention to the quality of construction project in Taiwan, and many laws and regulations for construction projects stipulate the quality of the project, quality audit and training of quality control. However, the quantification of construction quality using quality cost, described as an ideal and suitable quality performance measurement by researchers, has not been studied in the construction industry in Taiwan. Therefore, this study aims to first confirm the feasibility of quality cost in Taiwan’s construction industry and then takes flexible pavement construction as an example for demonstrating quality cost application. The study result indicates that quality cost model is feasible for being used in construction projects through literature review and domain expert interviews. In addition, it is also found that construction quality supervisors’ management ability can be quantified and evaluated by quality cost; that is, quality cost can be used to illustrate quality supervisors’ positive or negative influences on construction quality. In summary, the results of this study shows the quality cost model has its potential to be applied in the construction industry as a quality performance indicator, and the promotion of quality cost concept and the training of its application are necessary in the future for its full deployment in the industry.