摘要 本文主旨在探討研製一無轉軸角度偵測元件之開關磁阻馬達驅動器。文中將就開關磁阻馬達之結構、數學模式、運動原理及電氣特性加以說明,並且回顧目前現有的轉軸角度偵測方法,接著本論文將針對開關磁阻馬達,設計一全數位化的控速系統,並在此一架構下,利用開關磁阻馬達運轉時之激磁電流特性,配合外部硬體偵測電路及內部的DSP 程式撰寫,以獲得轉軸位置資訊,藉由此一轉子位置資訊進而達到轉速控制之目的,另外從靜止起動問題,仍是無轉軸偵測元件驅動器製作技術的一大主題,文中也將對此一部份有所探討說明。 此外為了縮短系統發展時間及驗證所使用的理論方法,本論文利用Matlab/Simulink建立一模擬系統,不僅可為初期理論發展的依據,也可作為日後實測結果的驗證依據。 This paper describes a method for indirect sensing of the rotor position in switched reluctance motors (SRMs) using pulse width modulation voltage control. The detection method uses the change of the derivative of the phase current to detect the position where a rotor pole and stator pole start to overlap, giving one position update per energy conversion. As no a priori knowledge of motor parameters is required (except for the numbers of stator and rotor poles), the method is applicable to most SRM topologies in a wide power and speed range and for several inverter topologies. The method allows modest closed-loop dynamic performance. To start up the motor, a feedforward stepping method is used which assures robust startup (even under load) from standstill to a predefined speed at which closed-loop sensorless operation can be applied. Experimental results demonstrate the robust functionality of the method with just one current sensor in the inverter, even with excitation overlap, and the sensorless operation improves with speed. A detailed operation and implementation of this scheme is shown, together with steady-state and dynamic transient test results.