Abstract: | 本論文以「新竹市的京劇票房活動」為研究對象,觀察並試論自清代起至當代,京劇票房在新竹市的「常民文化」、「職業京班」、「民間票房與票友」等諸多面向中,如何生成、發展,並在過程中所產生不同的質變。 新竹居民對於戲劇的愛好,促成了良好的戲劇環境,透過北門鄭家的家班,京劇開始現蹤於新竹。區域的良好發展,也使新竹在日治時期成為臺灣西部的重要城市之一。中國京班、本地京班及藝妲等紛紛進入新竹,豐富了京劇在新竹的演出面貌。同時,居民進一步從對於京劇的「閱聽」轉入「實踐」,進而成為「票友」。自日治時期至戰後,京劇作為大眾娛樂,深受民間喜愛,由本省籍票友、以及戰後新移民所組建的各式票房,加上從校園中興發的京劇社團,彼此之間互動密切,共同構築出新竹民間京劇活動的多采樣貌。
民國79年(1990)「新竹市國劇研究協會」的創生,反應著新竹各票房間的合作與凝結。而在外部資源的協助下,新竹票友的活動力更為豐沛,清唱、演出的頻率都達到顛峰。然而隨著環境改變與人員凋零,「新竹市國劇研究協會」亦面臨運作危機。該團體藉由改變演出形式,以「音配像」、「卡拉帶」的演出模式維繫活動,使京劇活動至今在新竹能得以維持。此作法不僅反映出在京劇大環境變遷、團體活動方式不利於募集新一代成員等背景因素下,「民間京劇票房活動」本身在傳承及延續上所面對的不易,而現今新竹票友在繼承近百年新竹京劇民間票房活動樣態的同時,亦透過與政府單位、廟宇與校園建立密切的關係,藉由部分活動方式轉型、調整活動思維及模式,以延續民間京劇票房活動,其歷史之脈絡與活動方式之思維,筆者認為為當今研究臺灣京劇史上之重要參照。 本文藉由觀照京劇在新竹之各種活動面向,並透過文獻的再探索,輔以眾多田野資料的訪查,以求更完備地還原新竹京劇發展過程中的歷史面貌,並就其發展現況及未來加以定位,試探新竹的京劇票房活動在臺灣京劇史上的角色與意義。;This study focuses on " Beijing opera situation in the Hsinchu City," centered on Hsinchu City,aiming to explore the appearing and development of Beijing opera professional and amateur group in Hsinchu City From the Qing Dynasty to the present day The residents of the Hsinchu city′s passion for drama has fostered a favorable theatrical environment.Because of the Zheng Family, Beijing opera was appearing in the Hsinchu city.It’s favorable urban environment, also contributed to making Hsinchu one of the significant cities in western Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period. The Beijing opera theater troupe from China and local,and “YI-DA” came into Hsinchu city,also enriched Beijing opera performances in Hsinchu. At the same time, the residents who “watching Beijing opera ”transformed into “learning Beijing opera”.From From the Japanese colonial period to 1960s, as famos entertainment, Beijing opera is deeply loved by the people.The local “piào yǒu”,means who is Amateur enthusiasts of Beijing opera”, new groups formed by new immigrants,and new clubs in school,have nice interaction,to make the Beijing opera situation in the Hsinchu City together. The stablishment of “Hsinchu Bejing Opera Association” in 1990,means the cooperation of many Bejing Opera groups in Hsinchu. With the assistance of external resources, enthusiasts′ activities become even more vibran.Times of “piào yǒu”’s Vocal and costume performances go into the most in this period.However, with changes in the environment and a decline in personnel, “Hsinchu Bejing Opera Associatiom”have to face management challenges. “Hsinchu Bejing Opera Associatiom” try to keep their energy by changing the form of performace,like “lip sync”,” Karaoke” etc. But the phenomena and significance reflected by these changes in the current Bejing Opera environment, still worth to research and discuss more. This study dedicated to restoration the histoty of Bejing Opera in Hsinchu,by research Written record and Oral data of participants,and try to definite the the Beijing opera situation in the Hsinchu City in the Bejing opera of history in Taiwan. |